Status Report December 2024:
As we near the end of the month, it is time for me to once again talk about the stuff going on with the project. You might think there's not that much to report on, as I've mostly been waiting for Ferdafs, but that is not true. This month has had some MAJOR milestones, and some big changes behind the scenes. I'll get to those in a moment, but first, the question that makes up most posts in this (and every) thread, "when"?!
My plans are still to release "r4.0P7" in Jan of next year. I feel I'm still on track to do that, even with some~ changes I've made (and am still making right now). It won't be early Jan, but when I have a better grasp for things, I'll give a more solid date.
Which segues us into the next thing. This month had two very major project milestones in it.
The first major milestone is that I finally fully completed the game script. I wrote the conclusion more than a year ago, and the early scenes got a lot of focus (because, I had to make them first), but the later scenes have been woefully incomplete for a while. The general ideas were there (usually a single note to my future self), but the actual dialogue was little more than inline code comments (# this is where Morty fucks [insert girl name here]). Now it is all completed. Not final, the script still needs a fair bit (A LOT) of revising, and tuning, but the story is all there.
The second major milestone is trickier to talk about, and I can't really go into too much detail, as it concerns the ending (the final scene of the game). Very, very, long rambly post short, I've decided to trim the ending way back.
As always, part of the decision was art issues (more crappy art I can't draw), but really, it was mainly a story driven decision. I was trying to fit in too much (that's what she said). And, once I had the final script, and read it over (literally 1-2 times every day for this last month), it just felt~ wrong. It felt as-if the story got to the end, but then just kept going. So, it got cut down to be more~ ending-like?
So~ what does all that mean. It means that Part 7, will be the final installment, the ending. I've moved the relevant content into the main project, and I'm currently creating art and posing it now. When the next release comes out, the game will be tagged "Completed", and my involvement with it will significantly reduce.
I do still plan to include new content from Fredafs if indeed there is more content to come, but outside of those updates, I won't be working on the project daily. Even if we do get an update from Ferdafs in Jan, this won't change the current plans (just the version number).
Anyhow... I'm gonna get back to work now. Thanks for being awesome.