The donkey never got to have sex with her. That is so sad, I had been waiting a very long time just to see that in particular.
I still hold a wistful hope that maybe, just maybe, the donkey will finally get busy and all will be right with the world.
I think he made a mistake of trying to do everything himself. He said how he enjoyes making art but then put the development on hold because he wasn’t happy with the gameplay. 1,5 years later, no news of progress. So I’d say he probably needs a programmer to help him out
yeah he pretty much said that he hired the wrong progammer for his game cuz he just do drawing and asset, thats why its onhold for now, hope he comeback soon, his work is great
In his discord, he explained why the update has not yet been released. Most of his time is taken up by his day job and moving to another state, after which he will be more active in the game.
Abandoned to calm the trolls who had no reason to be here from the start. But rarerorie continue to work on it and come back with the update when it done.