Thanks for the quick answers guys, appreciate it.
Don't worry I'm not shitting on vanilla games, they have their place like everything else. On some days I even enjoy a good vanilla game if the story and characters are good, although when I'm in the mood for something like that I usually stick to regular original Japanese 2d eroge romcoms.
Shame, but no sweat off my back. You're right, there's plenty of really good games on here that offer that kind of satisfaction, like for example : Corrupted Kingdoms / Deviant Anomalies / V.I.R.T.U.E.S / Harem Hotel / The Inn / Twisted Memories / Waifu Academy ( Damn those were / are good games )
Yeah, I think I'll just wait some more until this one is completely finished if it ever happens and then give it a shot when I'm really bored with nothing better to do. Have a good day guys o/
Different folks, different strokes! For obvious reasons I did not play most of the games you mention here, with 2 exceptions: Waifu academy and Harem Hotel.
I quit Waifu academy pretty quickly when the MC turned out to be a really creepy asshole.
I mean, playing with a MC which is a manipulative mastermind getting people doing his bidding can be entertaining but the whole 'drug-and-molest-your-unconscious-not-sister'? I''l give it a hard pass.
I find Harem Hotel harder to rate, it has a certain creepy vibe but at the same time it has some serious wholesome (could we even call it romantic?) story arcs.
That being said, and back to topic, Ripples seems to be way more vanilla then HH!
It really is one of the more interesting games on this website, you should seriously check it out on a rainy day!
(it is also one of the best looking games made in Honey Select, especially the remade parts. The Dev 1upped his rendering skills
