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Hello, hello! How are y’all doing on this beautiful Monday?
Phew! Chapter 9 is finally done, well… Almost done. It covers the promotion of Catherine to the position of Legate and the recruitment and initial shaping of her legion (if plenty of lewds along the way). We now only have a few details to add and some corrections to do and then we're onto chapter 10!
(Prepare for a long dev blog, Vane went to town on this one! I'll try breaking the text with cute anime gifs, as usual.)
Chapter 10! This chapter will mark the beginning of the end of Catherine’s story as this is going to be the last great adventure she is going to embark on before she comfortably retires and enjoys the fruits of her labor. Don’t worry though, we fully intend on sending her off with a bang, this is going to be the most ambitious adventure she is going to take part in, against an enemy that dwarves every single one she fought up until now. The stakes are the survival of the Empire itself and the reward is cementing herself as one of the greatest heroes in the history of the Empire. Will you be able to safely guide Catherine through all the perils of this adventure and see her ascendant? Or will she fail, and be subjected to a most horrible lewd fate? We’ll find out soon enough.
For Chapter 10 we have a few new mechanics that we’re going to introduce, all involving the management of the legion. The design of the legion system is almost done and we’ll be sharing more information about it soon! But basically, time will be an enemy, and the order you do the events will matter as you’ll have to manage the legion's supply, manpower, and morale. In addition to that, the legion will gain traits based on your decision on many major and minor events that will be scattered throughout the adventure, some of these will confer bonuses to the legion while others will be penalties. This may sound like a lot, but we’re committed to keeping the legion mechanics tied with the narrative instead of building a separate system to support it. That means you’ll be making decisions just like you have been this whole time, only now Catherine is responsible for far more and her decisions will have an effect on the people under her command.
On the story side of chapter 10, I feel like if you played Chapter 9 you already have a pretty good idea of where it’s going, but let me talk a bit about it. Catherine will be taking her legion north, the initial leg of the journey will be easier since it’s in friendly territory and it will be the perfect time for Catherine to structure her legion and inner circle as well as get used to the kind of big decisions that are expected of her now. When she finally reaches Valante, her main task is going to be establishing a foothold and pushing the Orcs back north. All the while she will make new and strange allies, as well as investigate the mysterious forces behind this sudden invasion, and discover the truly unsettling truth of what is going on.
Finally, we’d like to thank all of you for your continued support! It’s been close to three years of Necro Bunny Studios, and Rise is now approaching the 700k words mark. We had no idea when we started how far this journey would take us and the huge world we would have the privilege of creating. And all of this would have been impossible without all of you supporting us all the way. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you all so much for your support. You truly mean the world to us.
And that about wraps it up for today. We hope you all have a fantastic week, and we’ll see you all next Monday for another Dev Blog! Until then,
Big love, the Necro Bunny team!!!