Zippy a illegal site in the UK so you cannot access it normally.
I know I'm a bit late to respond to this, but Zippy is banned in a large amount of countries. I have no idea how they stay afloat.. Denmark, Germany, England etc. Those are just a few I remember on top of my head (I know, not insanely impressive, but seeing as I've gone without sleep for 2 days, its better than me just making farting noises).
Anyway. I think Zippy share is either going to downsize and become like Rapidgator and many other once good sites, and downsize to the point they need people to jump through hoops to get their download, and they only get a speed of 200kb a second or something akin to that. I mean.. MegaUp, that site that wanted to be so badly it would likely have killed the CEO of Mega and worn his face as a mask to try and become Mega. They recently (A few months ago) implemented a cancerous way of earning money.. You gotta click on the page up to THREE fucking times before your click actually reaches the download button. The times before that just opens those cancerous malware pages that popped up everywhere in our youth, pages that tries to install shit on your pc the moment the popup loads.
... Huh.. Basically just used you as my excuse to rant.. Thanks xD