Hey Lance! ... Thanks a ton for so much feedback! Lots to address, but i'll do my best XD
So, this is my first game, and there are a lot of things I'm still figuring out on the administrative side, like tags. Most of the tags listed for the game were placed there by F95 mods, not by me. There are some that were inaccurate for the longest time (it was tagged as "Voyeurism" for about 4-5 months before the first Voyeur scene ever appeared.) I seem to remember having an issue adding tags that are not pre-defined, but I'll give it another look, and see about getting more accurate tags
Kim will definitely have the option to be dominant or submissive, in the demo, the sex scene in the store room had a domination path, but i removed that in the overhaul, because i intend to tie Kim's ability to be dominant into relationship scores and (maybe) morality. Probably less on the morality, as it's not really immoral, if it's between two consenting partners. (a point recently brought up to me in the scene where Cara can spy on Kim changing ... i currently have a morality loss plugged in there if Cara watches Kim. But, someone pointed out that that doesn't really make sense, as - again - two consenting partners (at that point in the story, anyway)) But, the plan now is that if you choose to go dominant with Kim, then those dominant sex scenes can be displayed either 100% consensually, or not. It's all gonna be up to player choice and preferences, in the end. Choice-driven narratives are a BIG deal to me
Generally, when i play the game, I set my auto timer to just a few pixels after the "t" in "Auto" on the slider. This generally moves the frame forward immediately after the voice line is played, and makes it feel much more like a movie. Sadly, if there's a way to hard code that into the game, im unaware of it. And it would no doubt be considered a dick move to force an auto speed on players. But that's where i put my timer at. And that's the flow speed that i design the cinematic portions around.
Aye, there's a reason i unveiled Kim's magical eruption when i did ... that will likely become obvious in the next several updates

But I'm stoked you like the story so much. Been writing this thing in my head for 30 years XD
So, this is probably one of the points of discussion that gets brought up the most, as of now. As i mentioned above, player/choice-driven narratives are a *huge* deal for me. As such, I decided a while back to allow the player the option to dissolve the relationship with Cara, and pursue another, if they choose. This can end up in a consensual lesbian orgy, if you play your cards right, but that's a while down the road.
That said, it's canon vs. non-canon. Player choice allows the player to steer the girls in whatever direction they wish, as far as personality and relationships, but the canon path, in my head, is that Kim and Cara stay together, and strongly committed, during the entirety of the story.
But, options require writing and rendering out the possible alternate paths. And I already know that I'm gonna feel like a horrible human when i have to write the Kim/Cara breakup scene. Claire said she thinks she's gonna cry when she voices it ... hell, i might too
Polyamorous is definitely going to be an option, it's gonna be the path that leads to a three/foursome. Or you can stick with just one girl in each playthrough ... or you can just break it off with Cara and be single. Options, options, options
And yeah, I just don't personally feel like a Harem would fit. Not with the characters ive written, nor the story. That's not to mention the playable characters yet to be introduced (one of which is male). I love Harem games, I truly do. I just don't feel like it would fit in this world. But the same thing applies to that, that applies to everything. "If I can find a way to do it without breaking the plot, or devaluing the characters, then i'll give it a go." But - as of the time of writing this - there are currently no plans to go for a Harem.
Most female MC games tend to turn the female into the town whore. This is something im specifically trying to avoid ... and putting a Harem option in there feels like it would shoot those efforts straight in the foot XD
So, in my game, corruption is not represented by morality. Corruption can occur, but it's due to reason in the plot itself, and it's not planned to be a prevailing theme in the game. There will be moments of it, most certainly, but it won't be a progression system or anything of that nature. (Again, as of now, anyway. That could change.)
If I decide to go with corruption as a prevailing theme, then that stat will get its own slider, for sure. As far as the values not changing much, that would be because - at this point in the story - they havent moved much. The bars are all on a 100 point scale, and your general interaction is only going to increase/decrease it by 1-5 points (1 for liked, 5 for loved, 1 for disliked, 5 for hated, etc.). At this point in the game, the available points in which relationships/morality can change are pretty limited. That said, I intend to place a number display on the bars in the coming updates, because the bar design itself completely obscures the slider, if it has a value of 15 or less. Visibility of those stats is going to be important, so i'll make sure that's easier to read
I greatly appreciate that! I'm so glad you liked it! Lots in store for Kim and crew. In the scene in development right now ... Vex is getting up to some seriously sexy shenanigans