- Feb 8, 2023
- 262
- 620
Hey Justaflynn,Really promising start! I liked it a lot and I'm excited to see where the story goes. Bit of feedback though, the fight scene with the zombie was really uncomfortable to watch. Not because of any of the content, but the completely black screen with unskippable bright flashes felt awful on my eyes. If anyone is playing at night in a dark room, you're just flashbanging us twice on every hit. I had a headache by the end of the fight. Please make the flashes skippable or change the style of these scenes. I don't have epilepsy, but I think this could potentially be dangerous for people who do have it. Outside of the discomfort, I don't think it's a great way of conveying action either. I'm not asking for animation, it would make more sense to put a blur/movement filter on the stills of action shots and play the sound effects there, rather than cutting to a black screen.
Another (very minor) complaint is that some of your transitions feel a little too long. Outside of sex scenes, transitions like walking to the bar or changing clothes would make more sense if they were half as long as they are currently. I ended up clicking to skip through the transitions at a certain point, but that sometimes means missing multiple slide transitions, which I don't want to do.
Lastly, I'm hoping that we can get an LI with a more petite body type. I'm really glad none of the girls have those unrealisticly huge boobs seen too often in games, but Kim, Cara, and Sandra all seem to have similarly sized, busty chests. Vex looks skinnier, but she's got got a rack and a half. So, it'd be nice to see at least one LI that's smaller for some variety. Some of us just prefer a B-cup to a D-cup.
Regardless, I think this game is off to a really good start. I'm already invested in the story and I like the characters so far. In most games with voice acting (AI or real) I usually end up turning the voices off at a certain point, but I really liked them in this. Big props to your VA, she did an amazing job!
Some replies:
The fight scene hadn't received any such complaints before, so it was something I never revisited in my head. The flash transitions were more or less an attempt at adding a bit of substance between the fight renders. I can brainstorm it a bit, but at present the best thing I can think of to do would be to change the color of the flashes, perhaps to a dull red. I can't spend too terribly much time going over the starting content anymore, as it would delay development, but given the epilepsy was something I hadn't considered before, I'll see what I can do.
In regards to the standard transitions: I set them to what I feel matches the pace of the scene. Even in the case of quick transitions, you're going to have people (probably the majority, I would expect) clicking through them, regardless. One of the things I always say to myself is "You have to accept the fact that many players will just be clicking through for the porn, and all this work on scenes and environment will go unnoticed by them." But for those who appreciate the varied pacing (such as myself), it's there. There are some action sequences coming in the next update that have much quicker transitions, but it all depends on the pace of the scene.
In regards to breast sizes: The characters have all been created, though many won't make it into the story until much later. That said, I understand if they're not to everyone's liking, but they are what they are. There is at least one that fits your description, but I won't be adding new ones, or changing existing ones. Vex does indeed have a rack and a half XD Only one character has larger breasts than her, but she won't make an appearance for a while. Cara's are relatively small. I'd call them a B-Cup, myself.
And I'm sure my voice actress would love to hear that. I worked with her quite closely on getting the voices right. She's done an *outstanding* job, and we're already beginning to discuss the voice work for this next update, but I'll certainly pass on your compliments
I do truly appreciate the feedback. If any of my responses sounded short or annoyed, please know that it wasn't my intention. It was just something I hadn't considered problematic before (the fight scene and the transitions), I will see what I can do about the former at least. And thanks a ton for it! Any feedback is always welcome
If there's anything else that comes to mind, please don't hesitate to bring it up!