Just a little cheat-screen for Rogue-Like, every bar is draggable to change opinions / stats, also the money text is clickable for adding $1000 and the level texts to increase the level by 1. Finally, an extra status bar at the bottom of screen will be visible when she's angry (with button to clear anger) and info when she's down to get dirty. Also give some feedback on Jeans 'whammy' capabilities. Should work for any version higher than .991 but tested with .994/.995/.996/.997/.998/.999.
7767 if you like you can add it to the thread OP.
2022-06-20: Make cheat-screen compatible with PrimeMod v4/v5 - works also without PrimeMod.
2022-06-15: Added JubesX and make sure it is still compatible with versions without Jubilee
2022-03-27: Check if attribute LikeS<girl> is available when "Jeaned"
2021-10-22: Added simplified search of Xavier's office, basically every search will be successful if you brought the right girl.
Installation: right click "save link as" then save in 'game' folder.
Fixed: leveling girls not adding points to spent in leveling menu thanks
Dboss for pointing that out.