
Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
I'm not trying to disqualify anything you said or join in on this argument. OOP was popularized by c++ which lead to Java, probably the most used language out there. So we did not invent OOP because what came before was bad; it happend because Bjarne liked OOP.
I'm not saying what came before it was bad. I'm saying that people use to name functions like class1_obj() class2_obj() and that's bad. Here's the line I was taught in college. (Paraphrasing because it's been 20+ years), "Giving every function its own name was okay at the start. But as programs got larger and got more complex, people started running into issues like name collision or scope issues. This is solved by namespaces and OOP."

But to your point... I was told/taught that the need for greater organization was what gave birth to OOP but, since you mentioned it, I don't know if I've ever looked that up for myself... *looks it up*

Here we go ( ):
Terminology invoking "objects" in the modern sense of object-oriented programming made its first appearance at the group at in the late 1950s and early 1960s. "Object" referred to atoms with identified properties (attributes).
Influenced by the work at MIT and the Simula language, in November 1966 began working on ideas that would eventually be incorporated into the programming language. Kay used the term "object-oriented programming" in conversation as early as 1967.
Yeah... I remember my mentor telling me about smalltalk...

In the mid-1980s was developed by , who had used Smalltalk at . , who had used Simula for his PhD thesis, created the object-oriented . In 1985, also produced the first design of the . Focused on software quality,
support provides the ability to group procedures into files and modules for organizational purposes. Modules are so identifiers in one module will not conflict with a procedure or variable sharing the same name in another file or module.
Okay, this is what I was referring to:
Data is a design pattern in which data are visible only to semantically related functions, to prevent misuse. The success of data abstraction leads to frequent incorporation of as a design principle in object-oriented and pure functional programming. Similarly, prevents external code from being concerned with the internal workings of an object...It also encourages programmers to put all the code that is concerned with a certain set of data in the same class, which organizes it for easy comprehension by other programmers. Encapsulation is a technique that encourages .

By the way, the most used programming language now isn't Java. Might have been true in the late 90's~early 2000's. But these days, it's javascript.
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Jun 19, 2018
Of course it's possible without mods.
How long did you play it?
In around half an hour you should be able to have Rogue, Kitty, Emma and Laura all sucking and fucking you on demand.
One hour and half, made progress with Jean and Storm, but Kitty and Laura were a pain in the ass so installed the cheat and finished with this grind.


Feb 23, 2019
By the way, the most used programming language now isn't Java. Might have been true in the late 90's~early 2000's. But these days, it's javascript.
Yeah... I like to live in a bubble where I pretend web devs don't exist (please don't @ me web devs it was a tasteless joke...because every web dev I have come in contact with was a prick, not that you are strawman I created; you are cool). Not that you can't use javascript for other things. At the end of the day I say use the language that does the job at hand the best and use whatever programming philosophy you enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
The other's resembles comic book version and other cartoon version I am 100% sure the storm and the jubilee resembles the 90's cartoons version and they actually look like the characters that they supposed to be.
here is a picture of teh emma frost he did. I am pretty sure i could find the other character's decigns he used for x-23 and storm if i took some time to look. well for Jean and psylocke i doubt i will find anything that look like those designs. plus those designs dont go well with the other character design at all. Just tryign to get the point across that Jean and his opsylocke designs look nothing like their character's from any source material. eventheir's costumes dont resembles their costumes in any cartoon or comic book counterpart.
I admit I am torn between making a joke about how the Emmarmy would give me my sweetest death, and a joke about how all the girls end up looking the same.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Yeah... I like to live in a bubble where I pretend web devs don't exist (please don't @ me web devs it was a tasteless joke...because every web dev I have come in contact with was a prick, not that you are strawman I created; you are cool). Not that you can't use javascript for other things. At the end of the day I say use the language that does the job at hand the best and use whatever programming philosophy you enjoy.
I have to say, as a web dev (I had a hard time getting jobs with compiled languages. Not a lot of openings for those in Seattle), I totally get it. I guess I'm lucky in that the ones I met haven't been total pricks but a lot of them, like a good amount of them are so full of themselves. Truth be told, I work a lot in Javascript these days, but not because I want to. The language, as a language, is pretty bad. So many inconsistencies and quirks from other languages. But you work in what technology that best suits the problem. And right now, for A LOT of things, that tends to be javascript.

But yeah. I totally understand. I'm not happy about it either. I'm not happy with python either and that's considered the 3rd most used language. If you have the capability to continue to live in that bubble, good on you.
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