Mar 14, 2018
I really wanted to know how many % of the Oni audience liked SG the way it was, because here I didn't see anyone who thought it was cool. Whether it's her face or her body, everyone I saw here complained about her.
So, I don't know if on Discord or Patreon it has been widely approved, as I'm not seeing any word about him changing it in any way. In any post did he say something about the players' opinion about SG?
So far I've only seen one person who actually liked her.

and is he showing any signs that he intends to change her or is he ignoring what they are saying?
Ignoring fans is Oni's common practice.


May 24, 2022
I'm sorry, what?! You wanted...Rogue. A member of the X-Men. To go on lovey-dovey dates. With Gambit. An Acolyte. One of the evil bad guys. A guy who hypno-charmed and attempted to murder her the first time they met. A guy she didn't know from Adam. A guy she had no romantic feelings for at all. You wanted those date?!

You...did you even watch the series? Of all the takes someone could walk away with...that was yours?! That Rogue and Gambit should've dated even though there was no connection between them at all? Regardless of the fact that Rogue is still in High School throughout the series and Gambit is depicted as being several years older?

No. That makes no bloody sense at all. Hell, the writers had to bend over backwards and jump through more hoops than Evel Knievel jumped rivers in his lifetime just to pull-off that Season 4 episode in order to get the shippers to shut-up. Unless you wanted Gambit to have been a member of the X-Men and going to high school with the other X-kiddies? Which makes absolutely no sense given his character background and would've been character assassination to do so. Madre de Dios...
Yeah thats why i said the show didnt do anything with rogue-gambit, because it was rogue-jean cyclops, again dont be dumb


May 24, 2022
No offense but if you want to write romance melodrama then dont use superheros for that, its really not what superheros comics are meant to be doing and a big reason why western comics have so many problems currently because they been highjacked by people that care entirely about their slash fanfic and little else, this is why Korra failed to follow on Ang.

This doesnt happen in Manga because usually they stick to what they are doing, there is some romance in Demon Slayer but at no point it highjacked the plot, same with other action series were that is secondary as support and leave the shipping crap to doujins, there is still series entirely on romance that just shows how bad western comics became as its hyperfocused on superheros only but then again, this is why manga diversity allows it to continue to thrive as western comics are further and further in the decline due to their unwillingness to diversity (even if we can thank the Comic Book Code for that originally) and too hyperfocused on decades old characters with little actual inovation.

But the thing is, dont expect a cartoon aimed children to have content targeted at another demographics, I see this a lot when grown ass men complain about media not cathering to their needs, the audience that watched Madoka and Pretty Cure werent the same and expecting Pretty Cure to start being about Cure shipping is asemine yet it happens in the fandom but we shouldnt let the people that the show was never aimed at to dictacte how the show should be.
Did you know that all those thing happen in the show with scott right? Because again the show didnt care of shippers, they wanted a triangle love with jean


May 16, 2022
Did you know that all those thing happen in the show with scott right? Because again the show didnt care of shippers, they wanted a triangle love with jean
And you know why Rogue & Scott did all these things together? Because, and I want you to read this very carefully and to fully understand this:

Scott and Jean were not dating.


Jean, being the Head Cheerleader, was dating some OC (Duncan? Donald? I can't recall his name) who was captain of the football team (because high school stereotype!). Even after they were outed as mutants at the end of Season 2/start of Season 3 which lead to Jean's break-up with OC-McUnimportantFace, Scott and Jean were still not dating. Even after the outing they weren't dating. Hell, for a good chunk of the series Jean disliked Scott.

There was no love triangle except in your mind.

And yes, the show writers DID cater to the shippers on that final season episode I mentioned previously. The writers have come out to admit this in post-series interviews at conventions that the only reason the Rogue/Gambit episode happened in Season 4 is because the shippers refused to shut-up about it. Otherwise they had absolutely no interest in pairing Rogue with Gambit.

If any of your follow-up replies are of the "but but scott and rogue did this and why not gambit love triangle" variety yet again then I'm going to figure-out how the ignore system works.

Dr. Coom

Active Member
May 12, 2023
To be fair, getting a fictional girl to go out with you wasn't really set in stone until you wrote some self-insert fanfiction. But now that there's AI, we can go out with pretty much anyone we can imagine. Even if it's Rogue's ass.


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
To be fair, getting a fictional girl to go out with you wasn't really set in stone until you wrote some self-insert fanfiction. But now that there's AI, we can go out with pretty much anyone we can imagine. Even if it's Rogue's ass.
You roll a little imagination before bed. Made up the back story in your mind. Sometimes helps put me asleep. Imagine rogue in bed with you or something. It ain't fan fiction if it's in your own mind. Makes me wonder what perfume rogue wears.


New Member
Jan 9, 2020
You roll a little imagination before bed. Made up the back story in your mind. Sometimes helps put me asleep. Imagine rogue in bed with you or something. It ain't fan fiction if it's in your own mind. Makes me wonder what perfume rogue wears.
Likely something along the lines of some rediculous scent like fresh cornbread
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May 16, 2022
You roll a little imagination before bed. Made up the back story in your mind. Sometimes helps put me asleep. Imagine rogue in bed with you or something. It ain't fan fiction if it's in your own mind. Makes me wonder what perfume rogue wears.
She tries really hard to be a goth (to the point that Rogue has self-help books in her school locker on 'How to Goth', and her favorite music group is Garbage, so her perfume of choice has to be...Le Labo's "Rose 31". Described as a scent for a "Trash Goblin Goth", Labo 31 "contains notes of spicy cumin" which projects a “...'concert held in someone’s cousin’s basement, there’s no A.C., and the deodorant stopped being effective two hours ago' vibe. With a hint of roses."



Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
She tries really hard to be a goth (to the point that Rogue has self-help books in her school locker on 'How to Goth', and her favorite music group is Garbage, so her perfume of choice has to be...Le Labo's "Rose 31". Described as a scent for a "Trash Goblin Goth", Labo 31 "contains notes of spicy cumin" which projects a “...'concert held in someone’s cousin’s basement, there’s no A.C., and the deodorant stopped being effective two hours ago' vibe. With a hint of roses."

View attachment 3554059
Do you like come prepared or somethin
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Jun 15, 2018
I really wanted to know how many % of the Oni audience liked SG the way it was, because here I didn't see anyone who thought it was cool. Whether it's her face or her body, everyone I saw here complained about her.
So, I don't know if on Discord or Patreon it has been widely approved, as I'm not seeing any word about him changing it in any way. In any post did he say something about the players' opinion about SG?
Idk what the thought process is. "Let's add in a grossly unattractive girl while updating the main star of the year. Btw I'll reduce both art quality as I'm doing them a favor by adding 2 girls in a year LOL".
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