Straight from svs:
Ok, cleared up a few bugs, an issue where Rogue's stockings weren't staying on, an issue where Emm'a pants and underwear were staying on during sex, some "list" errors, I think I nailed down that "room is full" error people were reporting, the "E_Kiss" bug with Emm'a relationship dialogs. . . I think that's most of it. Oh, and taking a study session in any room other than Emma's may have been bugged in the previous builds, it should work better now, but saves inside study sessions might still be a bit glitchy.
Someone reported that when Rogue and Kitty were sleeping over, Emma showed up at some point in the morning. I made a change that might fix it but I'm still not entirely sure what's causing that one, so if anyone has that happen, try to take note of as many details as possible about exactly what steps happen before Emma gets involved.
Ok, cleaned up a lot of bugs, still some to go. A short list of fixes includes:
-A couple crashes in Kitty's "yoink" activity.
-Not being able to swap to Laura in chats
-Laura's wristbands behaving oddly or getting called gloves (let me know if any of that still happens)
-A crash error related to Laura and studying
-Laura's "give me your panties" should work now
-Laura should return to a normal pose during the lesbian make-out if she helps clean you off, although I still need to optimize her pose in those scenes.
-Various typos.