That's exactly what I'm saying. Every girl is in essence the same, with different flavor text and art, maybe with a few differences like Emma's professionalism. Oni should've added Jean's entire framework by copying another girl and changed her introduction/development, then changed the flavor text, then added the art. There was more than enough time to do all of that, but even if we pretend that there wasn't, we'd have a character with all interactions and no art but the most basic, but still better than a character with no content at all.So, I'm just gonna throw this out there, why doesn't he just use a girl, like Rogue, as a base then copy and paste in the relevant places, change the variables, add the artwork, then do the minor things that will allow it to work properly and done? I've gone through a basic coding class, so I have no idea whether it really is that easy, so forgive me if i'm wrong, but it just seems that simple, and he really is just being lazy, spacing out the updates for more money.