
Aug 15, 2018
I kinda wish he'd add the girls sending you pics like in the mod I thought that was a cool addition.
I hope the next character has a bit more than the usual stuff, like how Jean has using her powers to get you off and kitty does too but you never see it. A tail job from squirrel girl would be cool but idk what jubilee could do to get you off.


New Member
Oct 26, 2020
Is it possible to have sex with Emma on day 5 while in the classroom event? The furthest I've managed to go is to get Emma naked and swallowing cum.


New Member
Oct 6, 2017
Honestly, I wish Oni's design philosophy for these characters was a bit more consistent. Even with the girls we already have the quality of designs varies too much. If you compare Jean and Rogue it looks like Jean's design looks so low effort. Don't get me wrong, I like the art and the body designs but just comparing faces the difference is stark. I'll swipe notabumblebee's image to illustrate my point.
Compare the the lighter colour highlights in Rogue's hair, see how it softly blends, notice how the contrast isn't too much compared to the rest of her hair and how the edges are soft so that your eyes aren't drawn to any sharp edges. Also the shadowing on the white part of her hair is even and reflects plausible lighting. Then look at Jean the hair contrast is too high from the highlights to the lowlights which creates sharp edges and weird shadows. The patches of darker hair makes the lighting and shadows on her body feel in-congruent.

Going beyond the hair looking at the line thickness and shadows on the face make it seem like Jean is a low effort design that doesn't quite fit in with the esthetic. The reality is Rogues design is the most consistent with the thickness of her body and face lines matching whereas Jean's head doesn't look like it matches her body perfectly.

This problem isn't limited to Jean because Emma and the other girls also have this problem if you compare them to each other. Line up the wrong pair and you can get a uncanny valley feeling because the designs don't look consistent when put side by side.

Out of the possible options for a new girl I'm hoping for Jubilee since the sketch of her seemed the best looking. It's not as if I'm not game for the other options but I have more issues with them. I like Jubilee because she adds a new flashy esthetic and in terms of character interactions she's a good choice to add when you already have Kitty and Laura. I also like that her powers could factor into gameplay if Oni decides to. She can literally use fireworks to distract and escape or be a fireworks exhibitionist who really attracts attention. I'd love to be having sex with Jubilee and Emma walks in so Jubilee spark blinds Emma and we run away, Or that Jubilee decides to put on a show for the audience.

What about the other girl who aren't winning the pole? Well...

I'm not a fan of Doreen's design, her face it a bit too wide and her cheekbone is a bit too pronounced It feels too much like the modern design for Squirrel Girl who isn't cute. I like the strong thick thighs, but I'd like her a bit more slim. Ideally it she'd look like the kind of girl who's really physically active but eats a few more calories than she burns. Oni's current design or at least the only one I've seen doesn't do anything for me, I don't need a body positive squirrel girl.

As a character to be added, I'm all for Lorna Dane. She'd be a really unique character to romance compared to the other girls, but Oni's design is the issue. I'd rather see 90's era X-men look with big hair since it would really stand out against her normal-ish personality. Storm and Emma might have a big hair but I'm a sucker for a giant mass of green curls. The pose she's in suggests she's going to be shy sad girl and you'll need to break out of her shell which just seems like a drag. I'd rather a quiet normal-ish girl who's got some deep seated issues that you only discover as you build the relationship. If you're going to put one of Magneto's daughters in this game you have to sell it otherwise you might as well not put them in the game.

Similarly, Oni's drawing of Wanda just feels off. I love goth Wanda, so it's not bad, but I'd want to see the final version, the ketch I've seen doesn't inspire confidence, as far as character goes it's a troublemaker version of rogue with even more issues, which I'm oddly okay with. I would like to see a the possible future long haired look form the series too.

As for Gwen... I don't want Gwen Stacy in an X-men game. There's plenty of good mutants/X-characters I'd rather see than waste time on Gwenpool, SpiderGwen or any variation of the character. Give me Betsy Braddock, Raven Darkholme, Tabitha Smith, Alison Blaire, Illyana Rasuptin, Cessilly Kincaid Rita Wayword... Okay I was totally just throwing names out there but now I'd totally want Rita (aka Spiral) The sex scenes would be hell of a trip and we don't have a unique looking mutant yet.

This post turned out way longer than expected, it's not 'War and Peace' long, but it's getting there as far as forum posts go. Still, at least with this and my other recent posts in this thread I'm covered on voicing my opinion on this game for at least a year maybe even two. That is unless Oni somehow discovers a fantastic work ethic and starts throwing out massive high quality updates ... Yeah, not holding my breath. I love the game, I hate the wait.


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
By next week probably Wednesday votes will calm down. Oni may take a second vote if he feels the need but I kinda hope this time he just takes the winning girl.


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
Hi guys!

I've been playing the most recent version of this game on Android using joiplay.

Recently my game has only been crashing though with message "Dloc is not defined".

Is there any way to fix this or is it a problem with Joiplay?


Oct 14, 2020
I feel like there are two types of people - those that want Gwen in the game, and everyone else. I opined previously that I feel like Gwen is best only as an Easter Egg / side character. Both because she isn't from the show, and is a gimmicky character regardless. However, if Oni adds her as a regular girl I'll finally be able to use the Xavier option to remove a girl from the game.


Feb 27, 2020
This has probably been asked before -- but why are characters like Gwenpool and Squirrel Girl even serious contenders, when characters like Psylocke, Majik, and Sage haven't even made the vote yet?!
And things didn't really go so well from what I heard when Jean was chosen. The ones in the poll are the ones he is willingly to make. As much as there is polling for options for next girl, it is bottlenecked by girls he is willingly to do and likes. He isn't going to have a repeat of Jean.
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May 10, 2021
I just say, the x men cast have a lot of girl to just add character from another franchise, even i dont like much add marvel character who dont have a big conection with the x men lore. But i will dont complain if gwenpool is added, also is kinda interesting if the power of the protagonist will work in her because she isnt a mutant, she can broke the 4th wall.
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