I guess those girls werent as demanding as the X-harem, or else Tony wouldnt have much time left to run his company and the Avengers at the same time.
The means they are also present in the room bot not on-screen.
Is it always possible to get a girl back on track if you mess up somewhere?
I 'whipped it out' for one girl and she sort of liked it as the only stat I seemed to lose was the 'love' one...but I'm fine with that as long as she'll obey...lol
Oh yeah, at worst the girls will be pissed off for a couple of days and then they will go back to normal.
Like, you can be in max love, gottens the "i love you, bodyless green guy!" event, then cheat on them the following morning and get caught, break up, and after a couple of days they will be back to normal.
Beware though that if you lower love too much, they will start leaving the rooms as soon as you enter until their stats normalize.
lol, yeah, having issues trying to get Kitty on board, just had a long time trying to get her on board...funny though I keep finding her in the showers