The primary goal on this version is that in the old version I'd gotten ahead of myself a bit and added Emma's schedule to the game, which was causing her to keep showing up in class, even though she's intended to be MIA after running the intro scene. This was causing a number of minor errors because essentially other elements (like her chat interface or her "I'm leaving the room" scenes) haven't been added yet. The new patch should stop her from showing up, and should remove her from any existing saves you might have, let me know if that's not the case (don't worry, she'll be back soon enough).
I also made a tweak that might improve performance over the last build, if you noticed a slowdown before, let me know how it handles now. I'm not sure if the reported performance issues were caused by something that the new version of Renpy does on the back end, or something I tried with the dialog interface (which I disabled in this version but might put back if it's not the problem), or some other issue.
I made a couple other tweaks, mostly behind the scenes, like changing how their default facial expression is judged, and also something that might reduce the issue where two characters spawn overlapping each other. We'll see. If you do notice that happening, let me know the deets, which room was it in, did it occur the instant the room opened up and both girls were already there, or did it have to do with one girl showing up later in the scene and she appeared in the same place as the first? If it's not what I thought it might be, then I need to figure out what's calling them into a wrong position.