Enjoy buddy.
Rogue-Like Console Variables:
>Player Stats
Playername = “Zero”
P_Male = 1
R_Petname = “sugar” # What Rogue calls the player
R_Petnames = [“sugar”]
R_Pet = “Rogue” # What player calls Rogue
R_Pets = [“Rogue”]
K_Petname = “sweetie” # What Rogue calls the player
K_Petnames = [“sweetie”]
K_Pet = “Kitty” # What player calls Rogue
K_Pets = [“Kitty”]
P_Semen = 2
P_Semen_Max = 3
P_Focus = 0
P_FocusX = 0
P_XP = 0
P_StatPoints = 0
P_XPgoal = 100
P_Lvl = 1
P_Traits = [ ]
P_RecentActions = [ ]
P_DailyActions = [ ]
>Player Inventory Variables
P_Income = 12 # How much money player makes each day
P_Cash = 20 # Modify the Cash
>Rogue Stats [R] / Kitty Stats [K] (for Kitty Stats change 'R' for 'K')
R_Love = 500 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000
R_Inbt = 0 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000
R_Obed = 0 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000
R_Lust = 10 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000
R_LikeKitty = 600
R_Addict = 0 # How addicted she is
R_Addictionrate = 0 # How fast her addiciton rises
R_AddictStore = 0 # Stores her base addiction level
R_Resistance = 0 # How fast her rate falls
R_OCount = 0 # Orgasm counter
R_Loose = 0
R_XP = 0
R_Cheated = 0 # Number of times player cheated on Rogue
R_Break = [0,0] # Minimum time between / total number of break-ups
R_StatPoints = 0
R_XPgoal = 100
R_Lvl = 0
R_Rep = 80
R_Shame = 0 # Shame amount Rogue generates with current clothing/action
R_Taboo = 0 # Taboo level of the location Rogue is at when not with player
>Sexual Encounters
R_Action = 3
R_MaxAction = 3
R_Caught = 0
R_Kissed = 0 # How many times Rogue and player have kissed