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Sep 1, 2017
any walkthrough about getting both Kitty and rogue as girlfriends?
I've talked to Kitty about this matter, then she ask me to ask Rogue about her thought about it, but I can't seem to bring this up to rogue at all.
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Jun 12, 2017
The only changes are the intro scene for Emma Frost and bugfixes/tweaks.

To get Rogue and Kitty as girlfriends you just keep raising their love. You can buy them each the "Dazzler and the Longshot" book to get started with that. Rogue will ask to be your girlfriend pretty quickly if you keep going further and further with her from the "fool around" menu. Kitty you will need to take on a few dates before you can fool around much. She'll eventually ask to be your girlfriend too, even if you are already with Rogue.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
Enjoy buddy.

Rogue-Like Console Variables:

>Player Stats

Playername = “Zero”

P_Male = 1

R_Petname = “sugar” # What Rogue calls the player

R_Petnames = [“sugar”]

R_Pet = “Rogue” # What player calls Rogue

R_Pets = [“Rogue”]

K_Petname = “sweetie” # What Rogue calls the player

K_Petnames = [“sweetie”]

K_Pet = “Kitty” # What player calls Rogue

K_Pets = [“Kitty”]

P_Semen = 2

P_Semen_Max = 3

P_Focus = 0

P_FocusX = 0

P_XP = 0

P_StatPoints = 0

P_XPgoal = 100

P_Lvl = 1

P_Traits = [ ]

P_RecentActions = [ ]

P_DailyActions = [ ]

>Player Inventory Variables

P_Income = 12 # How much money player makes each day

P_Cash = 20 # Modify the Cash

>Rogue Stats [R] / Kitty Stats [K] (for Kitty Stats change 'R' for 'K')

R_Love = 500 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000

R_Inbt = 0 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000

R_Obed = 0 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000

R_Lust = 10 # Remenber lowest=0, full=1000

R_LikeKitty = 600

R_Addict = 0 # How addicted she is

R_Addictionrate = 0 # How fast her addiciton rises

R_AddictStore = 0 # Stores her base addiction level

R_Resistance = 0 # How fast her rate falls

R_OCount = 0 # Orgasm counter

R_Loose = 0

R_XP = 0

R_Cheated = 0 # Number of times player cheated on Rogue

R_Break = [0,0] # Minimum time between / total number of break-ups

R_StatPoints = 0

R_XPgoal = 100

R_Lvl = 0

R_Rep = 80

R_Shame = 0 # Shame amount Rogue generates with current clothing/action

R_Taboo = 0 # Taboo level of the location Rogue is at when not with player

>Sexual Encounters

R_Action = 3

R_MaxAction = 3

R_Caught = 0

R_Kissed = 0 # How many times Rogue and player have kissed
Awesome! How did you find these? I couldn't get to enable the developer mode.


Aug 1, 2017
Awesome! How did you find these? I couldn't get to enable the developer mode.
Wait if you mean to open the console. You tweak the game files slightly I added how to as a PSA in my review. As for how you see the variables, I'm super curious myself, normally I'd just guess or settle for tweaking "money".
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