well i did it, finnished chapter 5, somehow this game is verry anoying and verry addictif at the same time.
in a way it keeps reminding me at my first games on th sinclair (i wonder if anyone knows that one), okay there werent any garphics back then, but it was nnoying and highly addictiv.
"you are sanding in a big room with 4 doors, where do you go"
but as said i have to hand it to the dev, althaugh i realy wanted to delete this game already numerless times. I still keep comming back, verry annoyed i cant solve the puuzels.
and yep i had to replay it several times,,,i forge=ot to lock the doors again, and hen i forgot that newspaper.
i can c that dev behind his pc, thinking how to throw curveballs at a point where you think you did it.
he punnishes everyone who doesnt save regular......twisted,,,,,,,verry twisted..