Just would like to share a guide / walkthrough on the game. I am pretty sure I have tried all combinations of conditions for the endings, which are high dom+ low affection, low dom + high affection, both high DOM and affection, and just high alert.
Pure Love Route
1) True Love End All Secrets Die in the Darkness
Achieved with 3 creampies, and Low DOM
2) True End True Happiness (Yume got pregnant, but no wedding)
Achieved with 5 creampies, and Low DOM
3) Marriage ENDING White Wedding
Achieved with 3 creampies ,High DOM and High affection(Loves)
Violation Route
1) Retribution end What have you done? (Breakdown end)
Achieved by choosing Strike during sex scene, and also creampie her. Keep the needle gauge to the leftmost
Note: A user mentioned yandere route... could it be this? Since in this ending, the girl killed the protagonist with a knife.haha spoiler!
2) Confinement END The Two of you in your own world (Prisoner End)
Just keep the needle gauge in the middle during violation Route
3) Sex pet End Fiery love Scandal (Love Slave end)
Achieved by not choosing Strike during sex scene, and also not creampie her. Keep the needle gauge to the rightmost
4) Marriage Ending Ideal Future
Achieved with High DOM and gauge needle in Love Slave
Hidden Route
1) Konno ENDING Another Kind of Happiness
Achieved when you have high affection with Konno during Dialogues and you ask her to come into your home when she gifts you some meat
Bad End
1) Bad End A thirst he couldn't deny
Assault Yume when she came home while the player is trespassing
2) Bad Ending Plain Failure
-Blackmail Yume without 4 blackmail material
-Pass the deadline of the game without going into any route or any ending. Default ending
-Alert level at High
3) Bad Ending Plain Failure 2
Assault Konno when she is keeping watch outside the apartment
Bugs I know:
1)English version has a bug, where we cannot do any shopping for sleeping pills and aphrodisiacs. This cause a few missing scene in the peeking gallery
2)Skipping text cause the game to freeze or unable to load animation? Yes...
3)Changing SE volume during sex scene cause sudden increase of sex toy noises
4)Clicking the action for the week too quickly can cause the , Confirm and cancel button not appearing at all
5)A possible missing picture during Start up, i notice a small, generic picture broken icon on start up