
Active Member
Jun 6, 2017
Wtf. finish the game but didn't get even 1 scene. I suppose to get 1 scene at vacation event and another at the end but nope nothing. I plan to get Anne so I make sure my stat pass requirement and I always get +point from her, give her book on valentine. option turn suggestive on.


Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
I've made this small scene based on the Death Star contractors scene from the movie, Clerks. Enjoy.

(The gang talks about Star Wars)

Dominic: I think Empire has the better ending. Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader is father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett, and everything ends on a down note. That's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi got was a bunch of muppets.

Max: You know, there was something strange in Return of the Jedi. I've never noticed it 'til today. So they build another Death Star, right?

Anne: Yeah?

Max: So the first Death Star was completed and fully operational when it got blown up.

Dominic: Luke blew it up. Give credit where credit is due.

Max: And the second one was still being built when it blew up.

Dominic: Compliments to Lando Calrissian.

Max: There was something off about that second time around. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just wasn't right.

Anne: What do you mean?

Max: So the first Death Star was manned by the Imperial army. The only people on board were stormtroopers, dignitaries, imperials.

Dominic: Basically.

Max: So when it blew up, no problem. Evil's punished.

Anne: What the second time?

Max: The second time around, it wasn't done being built yet. It was still under construction.

Dominic: So?

Max: So a construction job of that magnitude would require a hell of a lot more manpower than what the Imperial army had to offer. Know what I think? I think they brought independent contractors to work on that thing. Y'know, plumbers, aluminum siders, roofers...

Dominic: And not just imperials. Is that what you are trying to get?

Max: Exactly. In order to get it done quickly and quietly they'd hire anybody that can do the job. I mean, do you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? All they know is shooting things while wearing bulky costumes.

Dominic: Alright, they hired independent contractors. What does that have to do with the destruction of the second Death Star?

Max: Dude, all those innocent contractors brought in to do the job were killed. Just casualties of a war they had nothing to do with.

(the others look at Max confused)

Max: Alright, look. You're a roofer. Some shady government contract comes your way. You got a wife and kids, the two-story house in surburbia, but this is a government contract so there's obviously gonna be all sorts of benefits. But then comes comes these left-wing militia dudes shooting up everything with their lasers. You didn't asked for that. You had no involvement in this. You were just trying to work a living.

(an older man walks over to the gang)

Man: Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt but, what are you kids talking about?

Max: The ending in Return of the Jedi.

Dominic: Our friend was telling us that the people who were working on the second Death Star were innnocent contractors when it was destroyed by the Rebels.

Isabella: Do you really believe any of that?

Man: I don't know, but I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer. Carl Vinoci. Vinoci Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can tell you that a roofer's personal politics comes in to play very heavily when choosing jobs.

Max: Like what?

Man: Three weeks ago, I was offered a job up in the hills. Beautiful house, tons of property, a simple reshingling job. They told me if I could finish it in one day, I would double my price. But then I realized whose house it was.

Anne: Who's?

Man: Dominic Bambino's.

Isabella: Babyface Bambino? The gangster?

Man: The same. The money's right, but the risk was too high. I knew who he was, and based on that, I turned the job over to a friend of mine.

Dominic: Based on personal politics.

Man: Right. But then the next week, the Furessi family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. Didn't even finish reshingling.

Anne: *gasp*

Sally: Oh my gosh.

Max: No way.

Man: The reason I'm alive 'cause I knew the risk involved in that particular client. My friend however, wasn't so lucky. Any contractor working on that Death Star, knew the risk involved. If they got killed, it's their own fault. A roofer listens to this. (points to his heart) And not his wallet.
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New Member
Jul 31, 2019
If you want to try this for the LGBT content, just forget about it. It's winterwolves-standardized "we could save two lines of choice dialogue by just allowing each gender to woo them"-inclusion.

The rest was cute and lighthearted enough, but don't expect a memorable experience. Still thanks for the download!
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Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
I'm back with another Clerks parody. This time, on the flying car skit.

(The Latin House gang are stuck in traffic)

Max: You know, it's times like these I can't help but think we'd been lied to by The Jetsons.

Dominic: What are you talking about?

Max: According to that show, we're supposed to be tooling around in flying cars right now. You see any flying cars lately? That's the problem with TV. It always lie to you.

Dominic: Yes, well most of us rational thinker weren't hoping on a cartoon for a viable glimpse into the future of technological development.

Max: You don't think anyone anywhere is working on the flying car?

Dominic: I could care less.

Max: I just gotta believe there's someone else out there thinking of the flying car besides me. Someone who's not afraid their head over the wall for the good of mankind.

Dominic: What's that supposed to mean?

Max: Throw your head over the wall? It means committing to doing something. If more people threw their heads over the wall, we wouldn't be sitting in this mess right now, we'd be zooming over it in the flying car.

Dominic: I see you've given us plenty of thought.

Max: Kennedy, alright? JFK himself. When he was in office, he stood before the country and promised that there would be a man on the moon within ten years. Thing is, nobody was working on a space program at that point, JFK had no data to back up his claim, no insight into the practicality of space travel. But you know what he did had?

Dominic: Marilyn Monroe?

Max: The man had sack. He had the sack to stand in front of millions and say, "Hey! Get this! We're going to the moon!" Imagine if you and me were the kind of guys to have the sack to stand in front of the world and say, "Get this! We'll all be in the flying car by the end of the year!"

Dominic: Do you know you have a one track mind?

Max: Hey. What would you be willing to trade for the flying car?

Dominic: What do you mean?

Max: Say some German scientist walks up to you and he says, "I have invented the flying car. I'll give to you on one condition."

Dominic: Well, what's the condition?

Max: He's not gonna tell you.

Dominic: Then it's no deal.

Max: The dude's offering you the flying car.

Dominic: Yes, but there is obviously going to be a catch.

Max: Who cares what the catch is? It's the flying car. You'll have the only one in the world.

Dominic: And why is this German scientist...

Max: Ja voll.

Dominic: Why is he offering it to me for free, and not one of the car companies instead?

Max: What is this? Murder She Wrote? Who cares what's behind the mystery? You don't like a gift shoved in your mouth? Just take the car, man.

Dominic: Not until I know what the catch is.

Max: Fine. You have to cut off a foot.

Dominic: No way.

Max: Are you saying you wouldn't cut off your foot for the flying car? Are you that selfish?

Dominic: It's my foot! How am I supposed to walk?!

Max: Why walk? You'll have the flying car. God, you could sell the design and engineering secrets to the car companies and become a multi-billionaire. On top of that, you could buy like, 50 prosthetic feet.

Dominic: Which foot? Right of left?

Max: Your choice.

Dominic: Okay, I'll trade my left foot for the flying car.

Max: Why your left foot?

Dominic: It has an ingrown toenail.

Max: Listen to you. Dude offers you the fire from Olympus that is the flying car, and you trade him a bum foot?

Dominic: You said I could pick!

Max: So it's a deal then? Your foot for the flying car? You sure?

Dominic: Yes, I'm sure.

Max: You can't welch.

Dominic: I won't welch.

Max: Because the entire world is counting on you.

Dominic: Why the whole world all of a sudden?

Max: Because the German scientist held a press conference when he made you the offer. He told the world media once the trade was made, you could do whatever you want with the flying car including mass market affordable models for consumer purchase.

Dominic: What kind of scientist is he?!

Max: One with a lot of free times on his hands. And a foot fetish. So, are you in? Are you going to do the right thing here?

Dominic: Yes.

Max: So it's a deal?

Dominic: Yes.

Max: Alright. So then what happens is you find out the guy is going to take off your foot with a hacksaw.

Dominic: What?

Max: And no anesthetic.

Dominic: Are you insane!?

Max: Come on. It's part of the deal.

Dominic: You didn't mention that before!

Max: Then you should've payed a lawyer to look over the contract. But come on, it'll only hurt when they're taking the foot off. After that they'll put a local on your stump before cauterizing the wound.

Dominic: Why can't I get a local before he cuts it off?

Max: Because he is a sick degenerate who likes to inflict pain.

Dominic: You said he was a man of science!

Max: You don't think Einstein enjoyed hacking guys' feet off? But nobody ever said anything about it 'cause he's one of the smartest people of all time, but come on, man. Take a hit for the team. It's only a few seconds of pain for a lifetime of riches and zero traffic.

Dominic: Fine. As soon as I get the local as soon as he's done cutting.

Max: So you want the local?

Dominic: Who am I? The Marquis de Sade? Yes, I want the local.

Max: Alright.

Dominic: Why did you say it like that?

Max: It's just that the local he gives you knocks you out. And when your outtie, diddles your penee.

Dominic: What!?

Max: Don't look at me, man. You made the deal.

Dominic: Yes, to trade my foot for the flying car! Not to be tortured and molested by some demented scientist!

Max: And his friends.

Dominic: What!?

Max: Yeah, just when he's done with you, he gives his friends a shot at you too.

Dominic: Deal's off!

Max: What are you? Some kind of homophobe?

Dominic: No, I just don't want to be diddled by some psychotic scientist and friends after they hacked my foot off!

Max: Do I have to remind you that this is for the flying car?

Dominic: It's not worth it!

Max: See? You are what's wrong with this country. Hell, with this world. You're always thinking about your own comfort level, never thinking about the rest of us. This country was nearly built on sacrifice, and twenty years of living a life full of selfish foot pampering and intergender intercourse has made you too soft to throw your head over the wall for the good of mankind. And not only did you ruin it for the rest of us with the flying car, but you completely blew the notion of American nobility in the process. The children of the world will have no heroic figure to emulate. So the future of mankind continues on its downward spiral into entropy of mass extinction until all that was once great about the human race lies buried in the primordial stew, to which we'll most certainly return, all thanks to you and your ill refusal to reach for the stars, and you'll forever be remembered as the sad footnote in the book of life. The wimpy little scumbag who could've breached the chasm of becoming and being, but instead opted to cover his own ass and foot in the process.

Dominic: ALRIGHT! I'll go through with the deal. I'll let the German scientist hack my foot off, then have him and his friends can have their way with me, all for the flying car.

Max: You'd do it with a bunch of guys for a car?

(Dominic is shocked speechless)

Max: I thought I'd knew you, man.
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Aug 9, 2017
Friend tried to run this on mac, double clicked, nothing happened. Any idea what's wrong? I'm not a mac person.
Jul 31, 2020
Am I the only one that doesn't get how to make your character to go to work during the week??? o.o I never got an option to choose or anything, am I missing something?


Aug 4, 2019
@chaoscowboy right-click on app, Show Package Contents...
to MacOS/lib copy content of the lib folder, replace if asked
in Resources create autorun folder, copy there game and renpy folders also py and sh files

Or download:
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Jul 5, 2020
Android version?
It's compatible with JoiPlay, but for some reason the game crashes during the initial loading process. It happened when I tried to play Everlasting Summer. I was able to fix Everlasting Summer after I learned on the forums here to delete the hentai.rpyc file from the game folder. I assume that Deleting a file on the Roommates game Folder will fix the issue just like it did to Everlasting Summer, but I can't do it since I am not confident enough to pull it off.
May 29, 2017
******* UPDATE! *******

Version 1.0.7 of Roommates is now available (previous one was 1.0.6)

What's New in 1.0.7

Added extra information directly in the stats screen when you can't romance someone (that is, Dominic playing as Max or Sally playing as Anne). This way players will know those two romance combos aren't available (the info was present in the game page but better to display it also in the game itself!).



Active Member
Dec 8, 2017
Playing this via Joiplay and I can't figure out how to remove the trial version. I select the story I want to "buy" but nothing happens. Selecting Restore Purchases or Register doesn't do anything either.


Jan 1, 2022
I remember playing this game on my phone.... and everytime get into the game around 2-3+ hours in, it locks the game and says you need to pay for X amount of money to continue of something... oh boi i never thought id see this thing again, now in PC.... Maybe the Original was in PC and what i played was just a copy cat?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2019
2 things 1. Is this the full game and not the trial? 2. I owned this on android but now that they fucked that over to a point you can't have the full game I am trying to get it working on my chromebook using Linux. The current download link doesn't work but anyone know how I might sort this?


New Member
Apr 24, 2024
Is there a android version of this game? I'm only seeing the pc downloads despite the fact there's a android version on the appstore?
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