Played it. It was alright... kinda like Blooming Love in that I get into it early on, and ended up losing interest as it went on. Not necessarily because it was bad or anything, probably more a personal taste issue. Characterizations were pretty solid, far more than most games on here, though Elain never seemed to quite feel like a human in her speech pattern, it always comes off as a bit robotic. The MC, as a dude, was OK. Though I feel he got over the whole pregnancy thing in a goddamned heartbeat. Maybe it's me, but getting involved with somebody pregnant with another man's child should at the very least require a bit of soul-searching. It's a pretty big commitment or at least concern for someone he met literal DAYS prior.
Title is a little odd too, as Rosie doesn't feel all that "innocent" either, at least by porn definitions. Only had one really big WTF moment which came when the story of the father was revealed.
Other than that, it was nice to have a one and done story. As for the sex scenes (male side), they were... below average I guess? The descriptions were great, but the CG was not, the shot choices were pretty bland with a lack of penetration or real emotion on the faces. Even as little as 1-2 extra renders per scene would have made a huge difference.
I did like the choice of breast size, and options for the MC are nice too. As a one and done, it works well.