RPGM - Completed - Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7] [Arvus Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    Gameplay and visuals look above average compared to other RPGMs. The combat system is simple and easy. The story and characters are not bad either. It seems like we can influence things with our choices. Also, the fact that we can choose the gender and origin of our character at the beginning of the game are nice details, but there is one big problem that makes me ignore all these good things, and that is that the sex scenes are not animated. Also, many players have complained that the developers have replaced old artwork with AI generated ones.

    Normally this wouldn't be a problem for me, but I had to quit the game because I didn't want to spend tens of hours looking at static images with different art designs. When the adult content isn't satisfying, it just feels like playing a casual JRPG. I don't like JRPGs anyway, and if I wanted to play them, there are plenty of AAA standard games. My purpose in playing such games is to be sexually aroused. Still images don't do that very well. But I'm still not going to give it a low rating because it just doesn't appeal to me. For someone else it will probably be fun.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with a ton of content—and I mean a ton! First off, there are different events based on your character class and whether you choose to be male or female. Plus, your choices affect the content you see, so some things might not happen while others pop up.

    The game lets you explore various fetishes, many of which reoccur in different events or repeat depending on what you choose. The story is pretty linear, but the choices along the way really spice it up. There are also loads of side events to dive into. The first time I played, I barely touched the main story because I was too busy exploring all the extra events.

    I'm on my fifth playthrough now, starting from scratch each time, because the content is just that enjoyable.

    I only have one problem, some of the art work is fucking garbage tier due to the vast array of artists this game uses. Most of the art is great don't get me wrong, but when its bad, its bad!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay game. It's like a worse version of Legend of Queen Opala on a much better version of the RPGM engine

    ++ Choices matter a lot

    + Writing is good
    + Combat is similar to standard RPGM but there's some extra layers to it which is appreciated.

    = Art is decent (even the AI art; I see there was some controversy over this but personally I don't find it a big deal to use AI art when the hand drawn art isn't anything crazy to begin with)
    = No animation and not many CG per scene, but not so few that I'd consider it a real negative for a game of this scope.

    - A lot of the systems/mechanics feel incomplete or unpolished. Whether it's the fort management, pregnancy, the passive skill tree, etc... it's like they had a cool idea, got 80% towards making it reality then said "meh, can't be bothered anymore". It's sad because with that extra 20% I think this could be a really great game.
    - While the combat is interesting for hard fights, I do wish there was a better auto battle for all the trash encounters.

    -- Scenes are pretty spread out and almost none of them are repeatable.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This is 1 of the most painfully average games I ever ended up playing. I tried really hard to enjoy it, but at the end of day it's a very mediocre experience. Worst offender, in my opinion, is the lack of thought put into the interactions with companions; read as: NTR all around that is clearly not even intended to be NTR and just exists as a result of lack of care to put in the extra effort to actually account for different genders. Yes, there are different scenes for male and female protagonists but not really, it's more that the female protagonist is meant to be a cheap whore who gets intimate with literally anyone who expresses the desire to do so while giving the character herself very little agenda in terms of actually initiating intimate relationships that go beyond "spread legs for everyone" on her own. Even worse, the game seems to assume everyone who plays it is into having the, already very underdeveloped, romance options sleep around with basically anyone else. As soon as the player opts out of playing the bicycle everyone can use for free it becomes painfully obvious that the game doesn't really have all that much variety, it doesn't account for being faithful, in fact it often just claims the opposite to be true or the characters in question (who, supposedly, are potential Loveinterests) aggressively push for bestiality and other fetishes a solid amount of people are put off by. I have no idea what the thought process of the Devs was but this game has no business claiming it is much more than a kinetic novel that, for some ungodly reason, once again had to be forcibly made into an RPG maker game even though the gameplay plain sucks, as most RPG Maker games do. It's just a waste of time to get from 1 scene to the next. The writing is plenty, but the quality is very mid & the characters, by large, are extremely unlikable and make no sense in what they do.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Hotdiggity damn doo, what a ride!
    110 hours in and I had to rush the ending - this is a gigantic game, with hundreds of events. I feel bad for only spending 10 minutes writing this review.

    Why 5 stars, when the average at time of writing is 3,5?
    Simple, the game is now finished and the reviews where like made during construction, nevertheless I shall endeavor to explain my solid five star rating.

    Build on an RPGM platform, the combat and roleplay elements are heavy, and the build up to most sex scenes are key to why this game deserves five stars. The game caters heavily to some fetishes and does it well, it is
    not for the faint of heart, but a buffet for the adventurous.

    Writing: 4.9/5 - Text and choice, for example one NPC - Katelyns - bathtime exposition alone is a condensed novel. Party interactions and running commentary from companions make this game come alive much more than most other games. Sure there are a few typos and a few missing letters here and there, but overall, the worldbuilding in this game is better than most AAA rpgs.

    Visual: 4.8/5 - The game has been under development for ten years, and technology has moved along with it. Sporting a mix of handdrawn and well-made ai supported scenes the visual element sends a positive, albeit a bit mixed, signal. The RPGM base has been propped up and delivers and excellent framwork for varied scenaries that add to the worldbuilding.

    Content: 5/5 - Catering to a wide variety of fetishes and kinks, the scenes are quite varied and not player-centric, which worldbuilds sexual norms nicely and ties in to the corruption concept. Corruption is far more nuanced than most other games and is not only a measure of how depraved you are, its more.

    Its finished: 5/5 - No dead ends midgame, very few bugs, and its complete with endings and teaser. Complex RPGMs in development suffer from the multiple interdependencies each decision bring, ie. questdependencies and scenes for one route and not the other. This is all irrelevant as the game is now finished and you likely won't notice, and more importantly feel, that you're missing out on content.

    I have recently called another game an RPGM classic, and I believe the title is just as well earned by Roundscape Adorevia.
    I hope that we'll see more from the developer in the future.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game and my review in this game is I would say this game is quite better than most RPGMs recently I played. I had hoped the main story would have longer contents than the side story but I finished it quicker than I thought after spending a total of 24 hours in the game. It's shame that I can't continue to enjoy the cities and travel around the world in the game after completing the main story.

    I'm not a completionist so I can't be bothered by completing 100% of this game. I know this game is completed with occasional updates added in the game. I hope the developer adds more of the city's scenery, accessible places, and unique NPCs in the next sequel because some places were barren and lacked points of interest that make players curious and try different things like most JRPG players would do.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A lot of potential, but ultimately didn't feel very tight as an eroge. I think the worldbuilding was great at times for a fantasy RPG, but then at other times questlines and locations feel entirely rushed or unfinished. It's to the point that many sexual encounters feel unearned and unsexy. I'd have preferred a smaller scope that had depth. This is the epitome of quantity over quality. That said, it has a lot more to it than most, so I wouldn't call it average, just falling far short of its potential.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Frankly this game deserves 4 stars but with the review bombing I feel the need to even it out. The combat is surpringly fun, if really easy once you grab any character with a screen wide aoe and just max them out with the upgrade system.

    I'd describe this in part as an inch deep and a mile wide, there's a lot of systems in place, but the game doesn't really squeeze the potential from any of them. That said, this is an h game. It's got serviceable combat, good story, a great cast of characters, and best of all, a sort of 'anti-hero' route you can take where you do a lot of greedy and lewd shit, but you still save the day and treat your friends well.

    A thing to note, and a complaint I suppose, is the disparity between male and female pcs. When it comes to your party members, especially the women, a lot of the romance and sex scenes are male MC only. The game makes up for this with a lot of random 'unattached' scenes for the female mc, monsters in the overworld, lewd quest objectives, minotaurs, horses, tentacles, you name it. It would be nice to have this evened out a bit, but it is what it is.

    Now, about the AI art. I haven't noticed any real issues and honestly if I hadn't seen the reviews about AI art I wouldn't have noticed. I disapprove if AI in general, but from my understanding they used AI to smooth out some rough edges on work they'd paid for, basically editing art they'd paid and credited artists for. This is a lot less egregious in my eyes.

    All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game, and will probably run through it again as a female MC at some point. Highly recommended.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Disgusting. I played adoveria two years ago, and it was cool, but in two years of development the game has lost its charm and soul. A LOT of bugs have appeared. Some hand drawn scenes have been replaced with AI generated ones. The mutants that are depicted there now cause an uncanny valley effect and make my eyes bleed.
    Instead of a handy gallery, it's a horrible, inconvenient one where scenes no longer have previews, only descriptions. Ugh.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    abso har

    Best RPGM game I've played and one of the best games here in general. I've done nothing but play this game for like a week, exploring as much as I could. Love the futa and trap content, but as with greed there can always be more lol. Also a few bugs. AND WHY DOES KATELYN NOT SHOW UP IN THE FINAL FEAST
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Roundscape aderovia is the best rpg Hentai game.
    I played this game year after year and the upgredes continue to arrive!
    I tried different rpg, but a lot of them has problem to create e complete story like this game.
    Thank you for this creation
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    It has a good story, good artwork and very good spelling and grammar.

    I really like the game mechanics, but its a tad bit grindy.

    This would've been an amazing game if not for the sex scenes.
    Dont get me wrong, the sex itself in the game is not the issue, the issue is that for a game that doesn't even have the "Voyeurism" tag, it features mostly just voyeurism stuff. I started a new game, the firs 3 sex scenes were voyeurism content.
    I'm not into sitting in a corner beating my meat like a loser while 2 or more people go at it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindy and honestly it feels like I am playing an MMO at times.
    Typical RPGM walking simulator syndrome.
    Has choices but they are tied to a shallow morality system. Like a cartoony caricature of people. Often the choice is between the morality of clark kent or the joker, I would rather something more natural in between.

    Art is the best thing going for this game, but too much grinding between scenes. And the scenes are all over the place in terms of fetishes. So unless you have a very wide palette expect few scenes to actually appeal to you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Chrollo Vosk

    Great story, great characters, great scenes. Love the base building and the theme customisation. Love the combat and different classes. Love the progression rate. Love the item & upgrades system. One of my favourite RPGs I've ever played, adult or not.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Lolicon Kami

    Has gamebreaking bug. Enough said. Dev doesn't want to fix it even after two months of release, expects the player to fix it. Unprofessional mindset.

    To fix bug, open the /www/js/plugins.js with a text editor and set the YEP_X_Autosave plugin to false. Otherwise, the game repeatedly keeps on deleting your save files. You must also procure your own tools to fix bug; for windows I used atom.

    That being said, aside from the bug, this RPG is everything one can wish for. hot characters, lots of options,
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be one of my favourite projects. It's a shame to see it in the current state after so many years of development. Buggy, with AI generated CGs, and with some major downsides (like questlog) still not worked on.

    On the other hand, some of the most interesting worlds to explore, could give some SFW games a run for its money, fun quests, loveable characters, decent gameplay for a RpgMaker JRPG. The only JRPG I actually played from start to end without cheats.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    game was decent then the devs spiraled and replaced images with shitty ai when they could have easily paid for art being some of the more funded porn game projects on patreon. also rather buggy. it is a shame
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v6.1

    Overall a decent RPGM game that will keep you hostage with tens of hours. Roundscape got pretty good story with a large variety of characters and sexual scenes, it even went further then most and added both genders as a fully fleshed out option for both.
    Where this game does take a hit is the quests, put simply, its impossible to do questing without a walkthrough. The reason for that is the fact that the devs barely provide relevant info for how to find the quest, the requirements for it and when you can and cannot do it because the story progression stage, the fact that you have to rely on external third part resources to even get most out of this game is a major flaw.

    One other part of this game that chipped away a star from me was the fact that this game is bloated, there is so much here, but its all buggy and disorganized. The art is made by MANY different artists, which disoriented me because of the vast quality and artistic differences packed so tightly. When it comes to the bugs, better make sure you are saving often with a lot of different save slots, because you will get clapped and soft locked either now or later down the line.

    Overall, Roundscape is a good game that is slowly being killed with more content and poorer optimization, a lot like TiTS.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I would say this game is a 3.5/5 But to be fairer I've bumped it up to a 4 for simplicities sake. So, to start off, Roundscape was one of my favorite games when it first came out, offering a wide range of kinks that I still think is unmatched by most modern games. I can't think of many other games that offer monsters, futa, beasts, traps and everything inbetween. Not only does it offer that variety but in a rather fleshed out way. So, if it has all those, why isn't it a 5/5 game?

    Mainly because, the gameplay has somehow gotten worse with each update. To an almost shocking and frustrating degree. I'll give a list of pros and cons with some final thoughts after.

    The Pro's.

    As I said in the opening, the game is probably unmatched in variety. The only game I can think of with similar variety is Legend of Queen Opala and I would say the scenes in this hit better. (Art styles is up to preference on that one. Since both games use varied art.) It was always fun wondering what I would run into. Even if I had finished the game years ago, with all the updates I was usually running into something new. It also has a fleshed out female character story if you're into that. One with its own large variety of images and scenes. The large variety does mean that some people may be turned off by certain things but most scenes have a back out option anyway, so its not a huge deal.

    Story: The story is pretty interesting, having a colorful cast of characters with their own interests and objectives. I think the core team of side characters is a strong aspect as well, giving a lot of unique options.

    Number of scenes: This game has a ton of content, a lot that you will miss in your playthroughs. Some because you might not have met requirments and others because of bugs.....

    Mid Aspects.

    Ai art:
    This was something that surprised me. I get why they did it, but AI art is something I expect from smaller publishers with no funding, not from a bigger game developer. While I'm not a fan of AI art, I will admit "some scenes" did look better in that style. Although, the better look came at a cost of making it look rather plain in some moments. I found elves always looked a little off in the ai style, with big cartoony eyes.

    Still, it's not the worst way I've seen it implemented. It's just hit or miss. It will come down to preference on which scenes you think look better or worse being done that way. It is a little disappointing to see AI art used but given the age of the game, i get it, even if I don't entirely agree with it.

    The cons

    Quest log:
    This is the most painful aspect of the game. Want to do a quest later? Well, I hope you remember the specific location and character you need to meet cause the quest log sure as hell won't. I probably missed a few quests in this game just because the log didn't bother to record them. This is infuriating, especially when your half way through a quest and can't remember where you were in it. It basically forced me to have to do whatever quest I got as soon as I recieved it.

    From what I saw, the main quests always appear in the log, but with the large number of side quests, it becomes hard to keep track of the side content.

    Personally, I think it would be nice if they implemented a way of viewing what quests are in the area. A permenant quest log that the player can access. Yes, it might spoil the steps in a quest and spoil scenes, but it would be helpful in making sure the player doesn't miss things. Even if its just an optional thing that can be turned on for people that want it. I would have loved to be able to just go into the menu and see what quests are in an area before leaving. It would save time and it would solve the quest log not adding quests to it.

    Bugs: There were a few times in which I needed to use Mtool to activate certain quests. Quests that I only knew existed because I had played it previously. I can only imagine how hard it would be to play as a new player, with content and characters being easily missed if you don't check certain locations. For the most part the bugs don't affect the overall gameplay, just mainly locked me out of side content. Also had a weird glitch where the Yakotin crystal didn't work so I had to walk their everytime.

    Closing thoughts.

    While this game frustrates me, I still have a lot of fun playing it. I'm pretty certain I will probably come back to replay it at some point too. it just disappoints me that this game could easily be so much better if a few small things were fixed. The quest log alone would solve a lot of problems. Hopefully with enough bug fixes this game finds itself in a better state but even in its current form theres a lot to enjoy. Some people might say I'm being too easy on the game but I think it's rare to see this much variety in a game. That aspect alone I think is worth celebrating, even if it comes with painful bugs.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    It not only get patched into oblivion now presenting more bugs and problems than ever, it's also a game with a dev making way above 20K a month and yet they still go and put ugly AI art into their game.

    Honestly one of worst turns a Hgame i liked took. Revoked my patreon, deleted it from my drive and unfollowed this thread. If you dont care that a dev gives a shit about their community aand their opinion give it a go it's basically the nsfw version of Blizzard at this point.

    The Game itself was great andcould get good again but because I don't see that happening it get's a 1 Star from me since for me personally it's dead.