The wait is killing me urghh U_U

this game got me through gruesome high level physics course exams, every 3-4 exams I'd get a patch or update and I can finally release all that stored up internal pressure. Been here for 2 patches but if I wasn't, I'd probably succumb to the crippling depression that plague the anti-social math and physic majors that don't have friends. Most of them do have friends, but I have a hard time making connections being a foreigner with cultural shell shock. This game gives me hope, League of Legends gives me salt, WoW taught me that strangers can work together to accomplish something beautiful, and in conclusion of these three... I will probably end up married to a fancy body pillow. The scary thing is that I don't regret it, it just feels normal and comforting, maybe this is what the Japanese feel.
What do you think about the new expansion, Vesper's Booty? It's coming next patch and what's hornier than sweaty pirates sailing in the middle of nowhere? Just about everyone because the pirates are probably suffering from scurvy and look like decaying shit, jk. It would be so nice to get another companion, like a evil pirate girl that you have to teach by example how to be morally responsible or go corruption all the way woohoo!