Hey everyone)
I have black screen in Deep Forest and Ornesse maps.
How do you fix it? Tried starting game.exe as admin, didn't help.
I play on Windows 7
Thank you in advance.
.... I recently deleted that game from my computer. I had the same problem. There are actually several maps that it will do that with. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make the game play normally. However, I did spend several hours digging through the map files and changing the doorways/travel paths so my game would exclude the bugged maps...
Code 201 is the 'teleport' command. This is an example it will send you to map 63 (farmer mom's apartment pre-actII), 16 is x and 18 is y coordinates.
So, check the MapInfo.json file (it is just a table of contents so you know which numbers you need and which maps to try and skip to)
59 is Slinsk (the first town with all the dock men... I edited the onesse guy to send me to 207 'Encounter' (because that's the way you meet the red skinned 'lady').
You will have to modify about 10 maps. I forget all of the one's that needed it but you'll have to do it if you want to get the wolf furry in you party..... and you'll have to do it to complete both the ornesse and merpeople quest chains (the final dungeon before the boss battle rooms don't display for me). Since both quests have somebody you talk to warp you to the boss dungeons you can just substitute the map number for the boss's chamber and fiddle with the x,y until you get a game that loads with your party not stuck in a wall.
best of luck and you just got help from a macfag on how to get your game running on windows 7...... RPGMMV sure did gud.