The save transfer worked for me.Yeah, i'm not a patreon so whatever, but kinda wish they'd start polishing what they already have instead of pumping out new content with every update. The beginning of the game especially is kind of messy
Anyway, anyone knows if saves from v4 work on v4.1?
El Diario de Misiones lleva buggeado desde hace años y en muchas de ellas no termina de funcionar correctamente.tengo ... no hablo ni escribo inglés de forma nativa, así que discúlpeme, este es uno de mis juegos favoritos de todo lo que he tenido el placer de ver en este foro (sepa que es la página en sí). Sólo tengo un problema. y siempre es lo mismo en cada versión que el libro de misiones está mal porque tengo un máximo de 3 misiones y solo una me aparece en la feria dos, alguien ha tenido el mismo problema o solo soy yo, pero este problema aparece en el capítulo dos (para los veteranos de esta saga, claro esto) y conoce a alguien de una solución)
Fuck, really? I'm literally waiting on just that for a repeat playthrough.The Clawyn pregnancy bug is still in the game![]()
El Diario de Misiones lleva buggeado desde hace años y en muchas de ellas no termina de funcionar correctamente.
Hasta donde se, no hay realmente ninguna solución.
Pero deberían aparecer más misiones según se avanza en la historia, dividido en distintas categorías.
Puedes cambiar la vista a Todas/En progreso/Completadas/falladas con los cursores derecha e izquierda.
-Main story (Historia principal)
-Sidequest (misiones secundarias)
-Companion Quest (acompañantes)
-Bounty Hunter Guild (Gremio de Cazarrecompensas)
-Mage Guid (Gremio de Magos)
-Warriors Guid (Gremio de Guerreros)
-Thief Guild (Gremio de Pícaros)
¿A qué te refieres con feria dos?
English isn't my mother language but i'll try to translate
The Quest Journal has been bugged for years and for several of them doesn't work entirely.
As far as I know, there is no solution for this.
But should show more missions as story goes, with different categories.
You can switch between All/In Progress/Completed/failed using cursors left and right.
-Main story
-Companion Quest
-Bounty Hunter Guild
-Mage Guid
-Warriors Guid
-Thief Guild
What do you mean with "feria dos" (festival two)?
I just read a little about this. I wish I had done so before downloading the newest update honestly, I can always use the gallery mod to unlock any bugged scene CGs I suppose. Still though, for 16k to 17k dollars you'd think the dev team for this game would do some proper bugfixing.The Clawyn pregnancy bug is still in the game![]()
Neither of those games are good comparisons because Andromeda was made by a bunch of incompetent jack-offs and Fallout 76 is a blatant attempt to get as much money out of fans of the nu Fallout series of games by releasing a really obvious cashgrab "game" which was pushed out the door as fast as possible.Look at ME andromeda or Fallout 76 bugs and how much money spent. The more people play the more bugs can be found that = RL hours.
Having the same problem and it never freezes in the same placeI really liked the game but for some reason the screen keeps freezing one me. One of the few RPGM games I've liked lately too...oh well. By the by anyone have this happen to them (haven't checked all 200+ pages, sorry if this has been posted already) but the screen freezes even though the game continues playing behind the frozen screen (especially bothersome during battle)