Stupid?Romance?Wait there is romance? From what you told me, the only romance in the game is that scene where Meredith asks about her relationship with MaleMC(i don't know for FemaleMC, i only know that Carys is a Furry-futanari and there is a cursed woman with a giant cock...and nothing else)
There is a romance:Let me see
Meredith:She want to be a lover,but behind you she fuck with animals or maybe others,enjoy corruption,and i do think she will enjoy gangbang if they was a scene..
Ruksana:same as Meredith,but she like to fuck with the horses,animals and fuck with her uncle infront of you
Clawyn:same,want to be lover,pretty much her scene is with MC and Tish(still a women,eventhough she is a futa)but mostly MC,she will fuck with squirrel if her corruption is high and her affection to MC is really low..she can be a great wife
Demoness:well,she is a demon,she fuck with everyone..soldier,Zent..and who know how many she fuck with..mostly her scene fucking others(soldier and male companion)is infront of you
Carys:not really a lover,she is a futa,have a scene fucking with Meredith and Ruksana,she pretty much not interested to fuck around,and only care about her sister..well,she can be a wife if you into futa
Tish:She want to be a lover,have a scene with MC and Clawyn,also Demoness..She can be a wife if you into futa
Seren,Carys sister:a blind slut,after she give her virginity to MC,she demand to fuck other males in the castle,have gangbang with soldiers and have a scene with her new lover(Minatour)but she keep cucking the Mc and Minatour by fucking around behind the scene..
Katelyn:MC sister,not interesed to fuck around..she have a scene with Tish(blowjob)and mostly with MC..have a hard life before..she can be a wife(not implemented yet)
There are others but i dont really remember her name