Ah, my beloved game Roundscape Bugseria I must admit the bugs were worse enemy than Murkhal himself but it was enjoyable I would prefer to have one artist because too many porn artists mean they are all using their own style, combat was boring and hard difficulty is just turning enemies in the sponges story was good not something that would make you shocked or literally mind blew but for a porn game in rpgmaker, it was good as for the writing well it was enjoyable my first-time enjoyment would be 4.5/5 and then my critical rating would be 3.5/5 because this game has too many game-breaking bugs and glitches and some were present back in 3.4 and I get that this can happen but it's meme when the same funny glitch that was in this game around version 3.4 is still present in 4.7, combat is turn-based and becomes quickly boring and you will avoid the battles.
companion abilities are from good to crap for instance you got Ruksana who's a good damage dealer but her abilities are all TP focused then you have Meredith who becomes demi-god who can heal each round a huge portion of her health and has only one good damaging spell and you only keep her around because she has good dialogues + she is healer and evil Meredith is really worth of corrupting her and then you have there Roderick who is UUGH HE IS SO BAD all his abilities suck his damage is weak and I would get it if he was a joke character but what's the point of him there if he is not worthy of taking with you, I feel like I'm missing plenty of rich dialogues but no most of his dialogues sounds dumb instead of being cunning evil like encouraging your hero into doing evil deeds he just shouts dumb stuff so I'm slowly accepting he is just a meme character.
Combat could be really better I mean it's boring there is nothing enjoyable on it your abilities are super bad and you have to pick certain companions to feel strong not to mention your hero eventually becomes one-man army completely nuking companions concept of gameplay.
So in total, this game is awesome when it comes to porn, character development really varies from Meredith who has completely different banters to Xyless who feels like she has been abandoned, but the weakest parts are super annoying bugs and glitches, repetitive boring combat not to mention same looped battle music and really bad skills and spells for your heroes. so I would give it 3.5/5