
New Member
Aug 15, 2017
Its says completed on their patreon, but the game is keep getting updated. Should i wait more or is it time to finally start playing?


Jul 12, 2017
Its says completed on their patreon, but the game is keep getting updated. Should i wait more or is it time to finally start playing?
Technically the game is done. You can finish the story and the dlc that was released, but they do release new builds with new content that sometimes requires you to start over. However, recently the number of builds released is smaller since they are focusing on other projects. So to answer your question: yes, you should play it now and you should be ok for a good while.
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Jul 11, 2017
I don't have a thief save anymore, not since the 3.x versions, but I do have a male soldier save(RA_Save) from 4.7a. It's in the middle of the Kara quest line from the 4.7a update; MC is in the Xas library. The main quest is only up to finding Lankin in Novos. So slightly after the beginning of Act 2 and about 6hrs in. The character has good morality, all castle upgrades, and they have high affection among all current companions. Let me know if it works out for you.

Note: That folder has only the physical save, not any of the global/config saves. If my save doesn't automatically show in the menu after copying and pasting into your game this is what you have to do: Go to your 4.8 version of the game, and start a new game. In this case start a new game as male soldier; like mine, not sure if this is super important but I always try to match up my saves just in case. Skip the tutorial, and save your new game in slot 7(same save slot as my save). Then exit the game. Unzip the folder and save from me. Copy my save from the folder I shared. Go to your www folder, and then to your saves folder. From there paste my save over your new game save. The game will update your save with my save. Then you are good to go. It might take the game an extra save to update the time elapsed but it's not important.
The save worked perfect, thanks it'll save me quite some time
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May 8, 2017
i may have found a bug?, i can't use the first and second file for saving, every time i tried to is greyish, not white


May 16, 2019
i may have found a bug?, i can't use the first and second file for saving, every time i tried to is greyish, not white
The devs changed the way saves are handled in this version. The 1st and 2nd slots are reserved for autosaves and quicksaves. They've always been that way but never reserved. In previous versions players would get confused as to why the 1st save slot constantly got saved over. Until they realized that the game was automatically saving. This way players wont accidentally have their saves overwritten by an autosave.


May 8, 2017
The devs changed the way saves are handled in this version. The 1st and 2nd slots are reserved for autosaves and quicksaves. They've always been that way but never reserved. In previous versions players would get confused as to why the 1st save slot constantly got saved over. Until they realized that the game was automatically saving. This way players wont accidentally have their saves overwritten by an autosave.
thanks, that explain a lot
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Jan 2, 2018
i buy accident accepted the demon cheat, and just went along with it. 5 saves later it gets annoying, how do i uncheat the succubus and return to normal. were do i find her.


New Member
Dec 11, 2018
i have a question ... how can i use the "Eternal Snow", it says "a rare ingredient for alchemist" for what ?


Sep 9, 2018
Haven't played this for a while now. Has anything really changed other than new sex scene and few new quest. Well what am i asking? Has endgame gotten longer or is it still considered as this. You play to the end and new update comes out and You are expected to play again from beginning to end to find out new content. And keep repeating that hundreds of times with new update. Only asking cause i'v played 3 times to end and it never got anywhere past that point. So. Is it longer or just more stuff added into beginning and middle parts of game while ending stays the same and You really have to play trillions of times again to see new content? Cause that would just suck no matter how many new quests or sex scenes are added.


Mar 8, 2019
Just how many different artists work on this game? (based on the preview pictures) I kinda prefer for a game to have a solid style. Mixing western style art with anime is especially off-putting for me.
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May 16, 2019
i have a question ... how can i use the "Eternal Snow", it says "a rare ingredient for alchemist" for what ?
It's a bit of an easter egg/secret. So the ice-woman you get it from mentions how she was partially created it with. What other type of creature/character from American culture has been miraculously given life while being made out of snow? Frosty the Snowman. In Novos, in the area where the witch's house is, down by the bottom right of the map area there is a snowman. Go up to the snowman and click on it. You'll be prompted to add the Eternal Snow to it. You'll turn the snowman alive and proceed to have a secret boss-battle with it.

Haven't played this for a while now. Has anything really changed other than new sex scene and few new quest. Well what am i asking? Has endgame gotten longer or is it still considered as this. You play to the end and new update comes out and You are expected to play again from beginning to end to find out new content. And keep repeating that hundreds of times with new update. Only asking cause i'v played 3 times to end and it never got anywhere past that point. So. Is it longer or just more stuff added into beginning and middle parts of game while ending stays the same and You really have to play trillions of times again to see new content? Cause that would just suck no matter how many new quests or sex scenes are added.
The endgame has pretty much been finished for awhile now. The one thing that has primarily changed, endgame related, were the numerous bugs regarding the end credit slides that didn't properly show your player character's choice. (Looking at you Emek's Rest DLC). Last version Meredith's slide didn't even show up for me. Essentially what I'm getting at is that the main/ base game has been completed. What these "little" patches are more for flavor, adding new cosmetics, new characters, new quests, etc... The devs also use these patches to go back an add onto or create new companion quests like Galhart's quest last version. Note the devs are still planning on doing one last companion quest for Carys and Seren that hasn't been implemented. The only relatively unique and substantial thing they added recently was the Whitemoon Abyss. Where it's a dungeon slog of boss monsters without cheats. I put little in quotation marks earlier because the devs do make DLC patches. These patches are not little. Like Vesunna, Emek's Rest, and Vesper's Booty. Those DLCs are much larger and have more unique mechanics/encounters. The next DLC will focus on the Tilanese homeland in the north of the world map. Those DLC patches I usually encourage others to play.

If you just want to experience the sex scenes: There's always the gallery mod that isn't complete, but it does usually show the new events. You can always go the hidden pictures folder in the game files, and sort by new, to see the new sex scenes added to the game. (Without the text though).

If you want there is an efficient way to play through the game and experience new content though. So if that's the case, I'll give you my recommendation as someone that has played this game for years. Have two save files from after the devs introduce the new starting area quests. (This was some versions ago). The reason I state this is because the only time sensitive, miscellaneous quests, happen within Oakshire. Main quests are time sensitive, but the random miscellaneous stuff is not. Thus it doesn't really matter what time frame you're in to complete a miscellaneous/sidequest/DLC. As long as you're not in the endgame quest. So have a male and female save file. And pick whichever origins you like most. And playthrough the game with them, as good morality/high affection all characters/all companions and castle NPCs/all castle upgrades, and save before the end in ACT III. (If you want to make it easy on yourself you can always use the skip combat cheat or the Dragon Sword to breeze through combat. Do all companion/side/miscellaneous quests that you can, get as many of the current sex scenes that you want, and keep as many people alive, and happy with you, as possible. The one exception to this is you need to enslave Xyless. If you have her free than complications arise. If you have any previous saves that follow my outline above you can use those too. Or if you get any saves from others.

I'd complete as much as possible because it will be easier to locate the new quests with everything else done. If you have the two saves as I mentioned. Make a folder on your computer and add those saves. Carry over those saves when there is a new update and you want to experience the new content. You'll be limited by the two origins, however this setup will maximize the amount of new content you can efficiently play. Being in ACT III right before the endgame, with your two favorite origins, two different genders, with all companions/castle NPCs, and all upgrades, you'll be able to go back in the game locations and do any of the new quests/events as they show up. Because as I mentioned before the miscellaneous stuff, and DLC, are not time sensitive. Only the Oakshire quests, for obvious reasons after ACT I, and the main quests are time sensitive. (And the main quest is already completed). With the way the devs make these little patch updates there is always new content for both genders regardless of origin. Sometimes there is new content for a specific origin, which you can't always experience, because of the two save files and five origins. Which is why I recommended to pick your favorite two origins.

I hope that helps explain things for you. It's a lot to take in all at once. But since your writing had perplexed undertones. I wanted to help you out by explaining things as best I could. At the end of the day if it's not worth it to you, you don't have to play the game anymore, it seems you got most of the story already. Besides re-downloading 3-4gb per game version can suck depending on your internet.


May 16, 2019
Just how many different artists work on this game? (based on the preview pictures) I kinda prefer for a game to have a solid style. Mixing western style art with anime is especially off-putting for me.
There's a lot of different artists' works from over the years in Roundscape. The game has been around for a while. In the beginning the devs, Kaliyo, had less money and less people working. The artwork was far more inconsistent in style. The devs have one preferred artist nowadays, I'm blanking on their name at the moment, and some others that they hire out as well. So the overall quality has improved since the game's inception. I will add that there is a couple of reasons the devs don't go back and change some of the older artwork. It's because they don't really want to insult the artists they've hired. Nor is it economical to go pay for redos of the artwork on a game that's for the most part finished. Their new game Arenus, currently in development, has much more consistent artwork.

If you want you can always download Roundscape and go the hidden pictures folder in the game files. Browse the sex scene artwork and see if you like the majority of artwork. Then make a decision from there if you want to play or not.
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New Member
Nov 20, 2017
There is a black screen when you visit Galhart and his wife halfway through the sex scene and also if you just lie to them and leave the house. Tried running it in different compatabilit modes and no luck. Seems like a bug to me.
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simon belmon

Jul 3, 2017
There is a black screen when you visit Galhart and his wife halfway through the sex scene and also if you just lie to them and leave the house. Tried running it in different compatabilit modes and no luck. Seems like a bug to me.
I got this as well from either accepting the scene or just turning it down and leaving their house.
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