I had the opposite problem of you once, where the wolves took priority over a human pregnancy. Sometimes Roundscape's pregnancy swithces/variables get really confused with the specialty pregnancies. Like the wolf, dragon, and minotaur chieftain ones. (I've had bugs with all three in the past). So it's best to complete those while your character is not pregnant with anything else.
For your problem, I would recommend trying to playing the game more/finish quests. The pregnancy system/time progression primarily relies on quest completion. Rather than total time running around/traveling. So your other pregnancy might be on the back burner as far as the game's code is concerned. It is possible that it might have been skipped entirely too. (Happened to me before for other pregnancy events).
If that doesn't work, send me a message with your save folder, and I can try and force the pregnancy switches and variables. I haven't figured out all the pregnancies yet. As the game's code doesn't have the most straightforward naming/numbering scheme. But I might be able to at least get the wolf pregnancy sorted out. Even if the scene doesn't play out, I could probably get it to where the wolves are in the player character's room in the castle.