This screen shot is in the lower level of the mountain castle in Cinkahn. Where you go to help Katelyn. There are three buttons, I have circled. Does anybody know about these and if so, what the combination is?
I tried doing the obvious, in order, pressing the top, then the middle, then the bottom. No luck. Even tried pressing each one the number of times, depending on the size of the rectangle surrounding the buttons. Nothing. I must be missing something, but I do not know what.
Help would be appreciated.
I did try a search in this thread on this and came up empty.
Found what I was looking for. Screen shots below.
Pattern on floor, in the top level. This is after coming in and helping Katelyn.
Door opening up in lower level, after pressing the buttons, In order, top, middle, top, bottom.
Not sure what is down there, yet.