Can someone help me with Rilke? I am playing a female character, and I am stuck at the part, where she drunkenly tells me about her son. Afterwards she always leaves and I can only find a letter, which tells me, that she wont return.
There is no entry about this in the walkthrough linked in the OP. Atleast I cant find it while searchin "Rilke" or her sons name.
People in this thread are only saying: "be nice, be a normal human being", etc. Thanks for nothing.
I tried my best to answer in a way I would to a normal human, then tried to vary the answers, where more than one option is acceptable in my eyes. But I am not about to try 243 different chat options.
What I would say are the most human responses,woud be:
"I'm sorry, Rilke."
"I understand if you want me to leave."
"You did what you coild, Rilke."
"What happened?"
"I'm so sorry, Rile."
Which obviously is not correct...