You sure Goblins attacked? For me, when I change difficulty to medium, attacks still are random. I always save before entering castle and sometimes I'm being attacked by goblins other times it's undead. Saving before entering castle is the best optiom in my opinionI think there's a bug in my playthrough.
When I set my Castle Defense on Easy, I was repeatedly attacked by Goblin with the strength of 38 when the limit should have been 15.
Almost, we're just waiting for the last update right this game completed/finish?
Ok, I looked into it and scenes for Erika are available for both options. The only difference I noticed is location of Erika (Meridith's cabin for botanist or quarters for slave). Also if she is a slave, dialogs and scenes are a little bit different and she calls you master. If she's botanist then, upon first enter to cabin after getting her, Meridith will have quest mark on compass and additional line refering to Erika but for me, nothing happened after that.Hi, does anybody know if I can unlock scenes for Erika when she is a slave? For what I've read the scenes are in cabin with Meridith but maybe I can trigger them with Erika being a slave in quarters
In my experience any class that can dual-wield is extremely cracked, since with a little bit of save-scumming you can get 999 attack, 80% critrate and 2 attacks in the middle of act 1 by using Eraser and Aetherius with the right marks. Barbarian is probably the worst dual-wield class. Templar is excellent early, but I'm unsure of how well it scales, and the magic classes have been extremely underwhelming. Overall the strength of a class mostly depends on which gear it can use.Anyone have a tier list for the classes?
Like what they think is S tier A tier ect....
not a lot of shortstacks no. A few scenes here and there, and as for futa, there are also about 6-7 scenes of the female MC taking a futa potion or something to that effect.Is there a lot of shortstacks?(Dwarves ect)/can you be a futa?