I actually like the AI pics. I didn't really care for the more cartoony pics that looked really unfinished or had weird perspective. I am using this porn and not holding this up to the same art direction standard that I would with a normal work though
The unlock flag is flag "4671 GALLERYUNLOCKED", it doesn't seem to give all the scenes though so have a back up save incase it breaks things when better heads figure out the proper gallery solutions
I can understand replacing some of worst quality art but there was ZERO reason to replace some of the art that is actually good quality like the displacer art I mentioned, also some of the replaced art wasnt actually bad quality it just had different style, like for example the "dragon" its was GOOD quality art with its own unique style, you could argue that by using AI art they would consolidate the art style of game to make art style more consistent but that is not what is happening, AI art can be very inconsistent which means that this update actually feels like they bringed even more different styles to game.
There is also issue of AI art more likely to have errors, I didnt see serious errors yet like added fingers so that is good(though I didnt look in detail) but I did see some small weirdness, like weirdly shaped fingernail or weird placement of fingers on hand, like middle and ring finger being very closely together while index finger and pinky are very far from middle and ring fingers.