
May 6, 2017
I checked the scanlated manga, and no.
Just a heads but i believe the light novel is more faithful in regards to that stuff the manga and anime would tend to speed through or skip stuff like that all together to save time


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
That may be so. I am distinctly disinclined to go that far out of my way to find out, however, as well as skeptical of there being any particularly meaningful difference insofar the topic is concerned.

Also why do these Totally Not Isekai involuntary uploading shenanigans only seem to happen in MMOs with the most dead-horse "holy trinity" class setups, anyway...? -_-


The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
I felt your pain. Personally I cannot get into female protagonist porn games. I can't see myself being in a woman's perspective going around sucking dicks and taking it in the ass.
This actually made me laugh a little. Personally when playing a protag I don't really think of them as myself I'm simply controlling the characters destiny whether its good for them or not.
I don't really understand the stigma against "gay" and "female protagonist" games. I have to set my tag filter to search for lesbian female protagonist games to find them in the deluge of games that aren't those things. So complaining that there's too many of those things seems kinda hollow? And a lot of the games tagged "female protagonist" actually have a protagonist with a gender you can select, which would appeal to both crowds.

With that said, I haven't actually bought a Sakura game except for Adventure and Dungeon. The others I pretty much just looked up the CG galleries for. Not that I really dislike them, the art doesn't really bother me like it does some others, but it seems like most of their sex scenes are small in number and not very lengthy or explicit so it doesn't usually turn me on, and if I'm not getting off the story better be great... and it's usually just okay. Thanks for the upload OP.
People gonna dislike what they dislike and thats fine I guess. Being the minority also means its simply going to have more people indifferent or disliking it than liking it too though I do agree it seems silly that theres an argument of there being too many of these games.
This is why I hate isekai. Not every single one needs to have Generic McFuckface as a main character who inexplicably attracts all the wamen despite having absolutely no redeeming qualities. By extension it also makes the female characters intolerable because thay don't act like actual people and are basically just props to give the self-inserters a tingie in their dingie. To make matters worse generic MCs also plague other genres of anime more frequently nowadays as well. I miss seeing MCs like Adam Blade from Needless, who have an actual character design and personality.

I welcome a female main character for not only hentai games but also anime-style media in general, because at least then more artists can be arsed to actually make an interestingly designed character. Not to say Sakura games are great quality as they aren't, but hating on the game simply for having a female MC seems pointless expecially when there are so many generic male MC VN games already. There's always other games to play.
Are you sure you don't want another generic no eyes kun?
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Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Are any of the Sakura games worth playing?
YMMV. They're no timeless masterpieces but then they don't exactly pretend to be either and I found most of them fun enough, though I haven't touched the more aggressively cookie-cutter ones like Swim Club and Spirits. And Dungeon is a legitimately good dungeon-crawler if you like that kind of game, further meaningfully improved with shadowwolftjc's mods off the Steam forums.


Jun 7, 2017
Unpopular opinion, but I don’t despise Sakura games. Up until now I’ve always “tolerated” them, in a sense. I mean, the art is good. I would even say I love it. The characters are cute, the color palette is pleasant, the designs (especially clothes) are nice… heck, I even like the way they draw nipples, and the few times they are allowed to show some pussy I find them quite endearing.

Don’t take me wrong: whenever I play a Sakura game I set my expectations to the lowest possible; Sakura Swim Club, for example, was a nice surprise, my favourite of them all (even more than Dungeon). I’m not expecting a Deus Machina Demonbane (that shit had a fuck ton of narrative), but most of the time they’re “harmless” and, since I love the art so much, good for a quick fap.

As I said at the start of this rant: “up until now”. This is the first time a Sakura game has… annoyed me. Not because of the yuri (I love yuri!), not because of the characters, not because of the setting, and not because of the plot (as I said, I’m not expecting friggin’ Shakespeare on these games)… what irked me was the lenght. Is way too short. Even more considering the setting of the game: a friggin’ MMO! One of those M’s stand for Massive! You can’t make a game/novel/whatever taking place in an MMO so short. There’s a lot of possible landscapes, lots of possible characters, lots of possible events… And not only the game is short, the ending comes abruptly, out of nowhere! I’m being serious, when the “Thanks for playing” text appeared I was dumbfounded for a solid minute. Also, it is just me or is this the Sakura game with less sex content of them all (the ones that had actual sex, obviously)?


Active Member
Jul 27, 2017
So... the game ends when you fuck or is just lazt writting?

>talk about back to the real world
>fuck with one
>game over



New Member
Oct 26, 2018
The main issue I have with this game is how the story was handled. A lot of transitions felt forced, the CGs appeared sometimes too early (before the scene actually began in one instance, I believe), and the ending was deceiving at best. The moment I saw that Game Over screen, I had to go double-check that this game was "Completed", as the only "over-arching theme (why the main character was sent into the MMO) was slightly discussed AND unsolved.

CGs were fine, so it's probably worth downloading them if that's your thing, but going through the "novel" for it is not worth the effort.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018

Part 2 coming next year. I think I may forgive WC for leaving me high and dry with Fantasy not getting a part 2, I love the first part here and can't wait for the second.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
uhh... the game finish while i have the fun part wtf? this game is still not completed???
its a shame the game story is good though T_T
Literally read the post above yours. Ep 2 has a proper ETA and all now, too.