Ok, so I see jump scare tag on vndb. can anyone tell me about this. I really hate jumpscare but really want to try this game
there's a couple minor ones, they don't suddenly fill your screen with a screaming face or anything, it's just that early on the protagonist occasionally sees some supernatural shit which comes without warning and is accompanied by a sound effect + abrupt scene shift which can be startling. I also hate jumpscares but I don't think these are a big deal, there's only a few borderline ones early on.
anyway I played this and dear god is the common route long af and completely celibate. I spent a whole day clicking away and reading text boxes to finish what amounts to the prologue and I didn't see one titty the entire time. The startup text warns about how the game contains rape/dismemberment/torture/child abuse/cannibalism and I was like oh jeez we're in for a doozy but turns out all that stuff is barely in there at all, just acting as minor plot elements and completely removed from the very vanilla sex scenes.
The good news is the plot is pretty good and sort of feels like you're playing a Persona game only with a lot less video game, a little more horror, and instead of having male party members you get CGs of the girls at the end. The girls are likeable, are given a lot of character, and have solid scenes IMO (though the setting that allows voice lines to keep playing after a click doesn't prevent the background voices from playing so they'll often overlap :/). The art style and music are quite good too, so the overall package is pretty solid.
Unfortunately the game presents 3 prompts for which girl you want to lewd over the course of the story and despite the last one appearing right before the common route ends you have to ensure all 3 match otherwise you default to one particular girl. The first prompt appears somewhere around 1/3 or 2/5 of the way into the game so if you want to do more than one route I hope you enjoy waiting like ten minutes for the text skip function to get to the last choice (it's not even a slow skip, just a long ass game). They should have just made the final choice the deciding choice and left the other two as optional extras.
If you don't mind the pacing issues I'd say it's worth a look, but the ~12 hours of reading that frontloads any payoff is a lot to ask for.
(I would have posted most of this as a review btw but I doesn't seem that I can, presumably because this is my first post.)