Mod RPGM Sana Revamped [v0.1 Test, v0.1 Light Version] [WIP] [DevLog Thread]

5.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Jul 25, 2020
Jul 30, 2018
As for me ive been working on making the Sana CGs look even more obscene like making her body look more curvaceous and thicker
I dont wanna show off to much for spoilers
View attachment 3258210 View attachment 3258213
i hope you won't get rid of the white cloth at the middle.
i honestly like your version better than original because you fix her back side and now the booba get such an uplift too so i'm overjoyed right now but please, cover her a little bit to give her that mystery/curiosity aura (i know she is basically naked with this outfit but boy do i love bodysuit and leotard to begin with).
anyhow i love your work, keep it up choom! we all root for the great mod for this game :D


Nov 11, 2019
i hope you won't get rid of the white cloth at the middle.
i honestly like your version better than original because you fix her back side and now the booba get such an uplift too so i'm overjoyed right now but please, cover her a little bit to give her that mystery/curiosity aura (i know she is basically naked with this outfit but boy do i love bodysuit and leotard to begin with).
anyhow i love your work, keep it up choom! we all root for the great mod for this game :D
I totally understand from where Ř@ĐįäÞïőñ comes from, the piece of clothing that tries to conceal thickness that is about to burst gives a kind of arouseness from anticipation. It is like we want to see what is underneath but at the same time we want to enjoy the view as it is. Either way, Sana is looking more sexy than ever.
Nov 1, 2019
i hope you won't get rid of the white cloth at the middle.
i honestly like your version better than original because you fix her back side and now the booba get such an uplift too so i'm overjoyed right now but please, cover her a little bit to give her that mystery/curiosity aura (i know she is basically naked with this outfit but boy do i love bodysuit and leotard to begin with).
anyhow i love your work, keep it up choom! we all root for the great mod for this game :D
Haha glad you all like it!
But yea dont worry that was the idea, this is the wip after all, shes gonna have the cloth covering her breast so dont worry
Jul 30, 2018
I totally understand from where Ř@ĐįäÞïőñ comes from, the piece of clothing that tries to conceal thickness that is about to burst gives a kind of arouseness from anticipation. It is like we want to see what is underneath but at the same time we want to enjoy the view as it is. Either way, Sana is looking more sexy than ever.
same energy and reason why we all love sexy clothing rather than full nude.
lingeries and sexy outfit is great because of that sole reason otherwise it just boring plain nude with nothing for us to dig into!
too much revealing and wrong placement of clothing is also a turn-off too!
great body shape with sexy clothing that being torn apart and fuck-in is a lot more than just plain boring sex with no gimmick to play with.
explain why i love nun's outfit too lol.
Nov 1, 2019
I totally understand from where Ř@ĐįäÞïőñ comes from, the piece of clothing that tries to conceal thickness that is about to burst gives a kind of arouseness from anticipation. It is like we want to see what is underneath but at the same time we want to enjoy the view as it is. Either way, Sana is looking more sexy than ever.
My exact same thought. so dont worry, her tidds will be covered


Dec 26, 2018
Hoping there will be more tiddies content, the vanilla/og game is mostly sex. There's like a couple milking and titfuck but those amounts are criminal with that body. Like, there's 2 nipple fuck scene and one of them it wasn't even the focus. Like I want those thing squeezed, wrung, groped, and molded like cookie dough
Nov 1, 2019
Hoping there will be more tiddies content, the vanilla/og game is mostly sex. There's like a couple milking and titfuck but those amounts are criminal with that body. Like, there's 2 nipple fuck scene and one of them it wasn't even the focus. Like I want those thing squeezed, wrung, groped, and molded like cookie dough
Dont worry i plan to update those paizuri scenes too
My personal favorite scenes were the breast pull ones from the neigbor


Jun 6, 2017
It's always hot seeing characters walk around the map naked which is why i ask
There is something planned for the actual mod v1.0 release to track the current clothes she's wearing to show an appropiate picture on the screen, (the card is "Sana's Status & Standing Picture" on Trello), this card also allows to get her naked based on the exhibitionist level she is currently on. You won't be able to do so at the beginning of the game.
Jul 30, 2018
There is something planned for the actual mod v1.0 release to track the current clothes she's wearing to show an appropiate picture on the screen, (the card is "Sana's Status & Standing Picture" on Trello), this card also allows to get her naked based on the exhibitionist level she is currently on. You won't be able to do so at the beginning of the game.
i love the fact that in order to get her naked in public, she need to raise exhibitionism level and the clothing she equip reflect what's on diplay :D
but it's nothing when NPC or anyone didn't react to her being 'NAKED' in public. and i forgot if you already mention it in initial to-do list but i hope you already get it on the road already.
also if possible, outfit system as people can mod in their own clothes of choice can be done right?
if the mod is released, i hope you make it kind of like framework/modular.
i just want to import my noob stuff in for fun. :D
anyway wish you all the best! 2024 will be our good year!


Jun 6, 2017
Mod Support Devlog 1: Scripts

It's been awhile since the last dev log I shared, been busy with my job and some other IRL stuff y'know, just before we go in the actual devlog I wanted to say that I am still working on the mod, although at this point, this mod has gone from a simple and easy mod that tried to enhance a little bit the original game with new easy features like the sex diary thing and the fame system back in 2022 to almost a full game project (for one person at least :p), not that I whine, I still want to work on it like the first day and create a good product from it, it is not like I'm putting my life on it I just making this on my free time and whenever I feel like it, I understand people would like to play the finished mod right now (me too) but I cannot give a release date for v0.2 (or any other later version) because I cannot determine exactly how much time I need to finish what I have right now, don't want to sound rude tho lol I never expected this thread would get this much attention to begin with.

Also, I think some people expect version v0.2 (or any version 0.*) to have playable/fappable content like other games on this site, I don't want to do that for this mod, I would like version 1.0 to be both the final product and the first version with all playable content, and from there, expand with more content. Which means I'm going to use all these 0.* versions to test systems and balance the game, once I'm happy, I'll start working on v1.0, which will have all the story and events I've been thinking about, also there won't be a lot of v0.* releases, (I expect v0.4 will be the last version which will include the battle system overhaul) like I said, once I'm happy with the base, v1.0 development will start.

For example, these are some features which I consider key-features that needs to be implemented before v1.0:
  • *Everything that it is currently on the "In Progress" list on Trello*
  • Actors Schedule System
    • Mod In-Game Event Conditions
    • Ties to the new game story
  • Quest System
    • Ties to the new game story
  • Battle System Overhaul
    • Ties to the new game story
  • Approach System
    • Makes it fun to actually move around in the game and not going from event A to event B
  • Follower/Player Random Events
    • Makes it fun to actually move around in the game and not going from event A to event B
  • Sana Controllable
    • Ties to the new game story
  • Sana Jobs
    • Ties to the new game story
  • Sana's Status & Standing Picture
    • Shows the current state of Sana on the screen
  • Secret NTR Mode
    • Ties to the new game story
  • Mod Support
    • Expands the game with new content
    • All of above needs to be expandable to let mods avoid monkey-patching the mod's core
Later v0.* versions will include the things I said above in no particular order

tldr of above: I'm still working on the mod, no ETA for v0.2 tho.

So to the actual devlog part, while I was working on the sex framework I was thinking that I should make it modular so other people could add new animations easily without too much trouble, then I realized that I should expand this modularity to the rest of the mod, not only the sex framework, so in the process of making sana revamped as modular as possible I started the bare-bones of what it will be the mod support system and allow the game to load mods and apply them on runtime (a mod that loads other mods, ironically).

RPG Maker is probably not the best engine to support modding since its data structures are pretty static, but I think I can achieve something good enough to spend time on this, the result may not be the best mod support system ever, but I will try to make the process of making mods as easy as possible

For this first devlog I have managed to get the game to read any number of mods and apply all scripts they may have inside the appropiate folder.

How it works

All mods must be folders and must be located inside a relative directory from the game's folder as well as have an specific JSON file which contains information about that mod in particular, this is an example of the mods folder:
mods folder.png
The load order file will be created and can be modified by the user, it will determine the order in which the mods applies their contributions to the game, so you can make Mod A be loaded after Mod B or Mod C.

Inside "example_mod"
mod support mod folder.png

The file "mod_info.json" is the file that provides information about the mod, and must be present to consider that mod as valid, otherwise it won't be loaded.

For example this is what it looks like for the mod "example_mod"
    // Unique mod ID (should not change)
    "ModId": "johndoe_myfirstmod",
    // Mod version
    "ModVersion": "1.0.0",
    // Mod author
    "ModAuthor": "John Doe",
    // Mod name
    "ModName": "My First Mod",
    // Mod description
    "ModDescription": "My first mod description",
    // List of other mod IDs that should be loaded before this mod
    "ModRequirements": []
For now, only the Scripts folder is usable other folders (Graphics, Audio, Translations...) will be added and I'll explain them with another devlog.

For scripts I plan to support two formats, loose script files and packaged script files.

The Scripts folder of the mod "example_mod" looks like this:
mod support script folder.png

As you can see, there are both loose files (init.rb) and a packaged file (Scripts.rvdata2), when loading mods, the loose files will be prioritized over the packaged file, which means that, if init.rb modifies a script inside Scripts.rvdata2, init.rb will win the conflict between these two.

The good thing about the packaged file is that it can contain any script files and it allows you to specify the order between them, unlike having loose files, which order will be determined alphabetically, so packages will be the preferrable method.

Here's an example of running the game loading the scripts of "example_mod":
mod initialization.png

Mods initialization will be done once every module of sana revamped's core (Tygct::Core) is initialized.

As you can see, I have defined two methods inside Scripts.rvdata2 (method a, and method b), the loose file overwritten method b so that's why the logger wrote that.

Scripts.rvdata2 contents
module JohnDoe
  module MyFirstMod
    # Include sana revamped's core modules
    include Tygct::Core

    def self.packaged_method_a
      log_info 'this is the packaged method A from the rvdata2 file'

    def self.packaged_method_b
      log_info 'this is the packaged method B from the rvdata2 file'

    def self.init
      log_info 'Initializing my first mod ever...'
      log_info "I'm using the sana revamped logger inside my mod code!"
      log_info 'Initialization completed!'
    # Mod support will send this event and execute the given callback
    register_for_mod_event(ModEvents::Events::EV_GAME_INIT, 'init')
Loose file contents
module JohnDoe
  module MyFirstMod
    def self.packaged_method_a
      log_info 'packaged method a has been overwritten by a loose file'
As you can see, A module called ModEvents is used to initialize the mod, I will cover this one later on another devlog, this one is long enough already.


For modders, you will be able to do pretty much everything you want with your scripts, I won't add any limitations, meaning that you can even break the game if you want to.

For users, you may not desire this because anyone can run malicious code using the mod system, but this is needed to allow expanding the game using mods and not be troublesome for modders.
To be honest, since Ruby is a very flexible language, it is not worth to protect you about this since there will be always a way to bypass any limitation I may add (like overwriting my Mods module to remove limitations, monkey-patching, etc...)

So if any modder in the future creates a mod for sana revamped that contains scripts files (whether packaged or loose), you may want to check first if they are known in this site (like a reputable modder) or at least check yourself the scripts to make sure no malicious code will be running when you start the game, or use a tool like rubocop that warns you about security issues on any Ruby source code.

Scripts are the only thing a mod can contribute that may be malicious, other things like images (Graphics), translations, new items, new weapons, armors, etc... won't be dangerous.

For the next devlog about mod support I'll talk about adding custom settings to the game's setting menu (the one I shared some months ago) and serialization of mod data, I want to try my best to avoid save file corruption if a mod is installed and removed.

Heyy any idea when v0.2 is gonna drop?
I wish I could give you a definite answer but as for now I cannot, worry not, because I'm still working on it and making progress :)


Jun 6, 2017
Mod Support Devlog 2: Creating Game Settings

Trying to post devlogs more frequently, I wanted to continue the last devlog about scripts, like I said, I have been refactoring the mod's code to allow other mods to interact with the systems easier. This one won't be as long as the first one tho.

As for this devlog, I have been working on modifying the mod's game settings module to allow any installed mod to create custom game settings and categories (a settings page) on the game's without too much hassle. Thankfully I had a solid foundation to work on due to the last modification I did for the game settings in a previous devlog.

All settings must be created using a script, this can't be done in another way, taking advantage of the initialization event the sana revamped sends you can make your mod create any number of settings and add them to the mod's settings module right after the game launches.

There are also some other changes I have made to the original Settings menu I shared some time ago, I have modified the script to allow to change the value of any slider setting in increments/decrements of 10 if SHIFT is pressed while changing the value, this is something that was needed, especially for sliders that allow large number ranges.

Here's an example of a settings page, I have created two mods, each of them creates a page on the settings menu with their own settings:

settings menu.gif
You can interact with the settings menu with the confirm key ('Z') that cycles through all possible values, left and right arrow keys to change to the prior and next value.

The supported type of settings are:
  • List Setting
Allows the user to select a string value from a fixed list of values ("English", "Spanish", "German", etc...)
  • Slider Setting
Allows to select a number value from a fixed range of numbers (-100..100, 0..10, 0..100, 0..1000, etc...)
  • Switch Setting
Acts as a toggle, basically ON/OFF => true/false

However, there is one drawback, and that is that the code to create a page within the game settings menu is quite long and verbose.

As an example, here's the code that creates the settings page for the "Side Stories" mod that appears on the menu:
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Each setting needs to set a few handlers so it can work properly, I have created some default handlers, but you can also set it to your custom ones if desired.

Moving on, the settings menu is now able to reset a setting default value by pressing 'R' on the current highlighted setting, as you can see in this gif all settings are reset to the default value in different pages (whether they are created by a mod or by the game itself)

settings menu reset default.gif
Like I said, I'm trying my best so the mods don't need to save data into save files, to avoid the possibility of the files becoming corrupted, that's why I have done this so mods can save any setting in a external file easily without modifying save files.

Here's is a piece of contents of the JSON file generated with all settings:

    "sr_dev_console_enabled": true,
    "sr_dev_logging_enabled": true,
    "sr_language_id": "english",
    "sr_audio_master_volume": 32,
    "jd_first_mod_enabled": true,
    "jd_first_mod_extra_content": true,
    "jane_doe_side_stories_mod_enabled": true,
    "jane_doe_side_stories_on_off_value": true,
    "jane_doe_side_stories_list_value": "Hard",
    "jane_doe_side_stories_slider_value": 8
Also, I have changed how the settings are saved and loaded to avoid deleting setting IDs that may not exist in the game, which means that you will be able to add and remove mods and their settings won't be deleted from the JSON file, it will persist inside of it, in case the mod is installed again in the future, it will be able to load the old settings back without problems (as long as their IDs has not changed)

Just in case, I also added a function to the Settings module to perform a cleanup on the JSON file to delete settings that does not exist currently, just in case anyone wants to clean their JSON file.

I'm currently making the same changes to the In-Game console module so any mod can create and add their own commands to debug the game, but it's not currently finished so I will talk about this in the next devlog!
5.00 star(s) 3 Votes