Mod RPGM Sana Revamped [v0.1 Test, v0.1 Light Version] [WIP] [DevLog Thread]

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Nov 22, 2020
Mod Support Devlog 2: Creating Game Settings

Trying to post devlogs more frequently, I wanted to continue the last devlog about scripts, like I said, I have been refactoring the mod's code to allow other mods to interact with the systems easier. This one won't be as long as the first one tho.

As for this devlog, I have been working on modifying the mod's game settings module to allow any installed mod to create custom game settings and categories (a settings page) on the game's without too much hassle. Thankfully I had a solid foundation to work on due to the last modification I did for the game settings in a previous devlog.

All settings must be created using a script, this can't be done in another way, taking advantage of the initialization event the sana revamped sends you can make your mod create any number of settings and add them to the mod's settings module right after the game launches.

There are also some other changes I have made to the original Settings menu I shared some time ago, I have modified the script to allow to change the value of any slider setting in increments/decrements of 10 if SHIFT is pressed while changing the value, this is something that was needed, especially for sliders that allow large number ranges.

Here's an example of a settings page, I have created two mods, each of them creates a page on the settings menu with their own settings:

You can interact with the settings menu with the confirm key ('Z') that cycles through all possible values, left and right arrow keys to change to the prior and next value.

The supported type of settings are:
  • List Setting
Allows the user to select a string value from a fixed list of values ("English", "Spanish", "German", etc...)
  • Slider Setting
Allows to select a number value from a fixed range of numbers (-100..100, 0..10, 0..100, 0..1000, etc...)
  • Switch Setting
Acts as a toggle, basically ON/OFF => true/false

However, there is one drawback, and that is that the code to create a page within the game settings menu is quite long and verbose.

As an example, here's the code that creates the settings page for the "Side Stories" mod that appears on the menu:
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Each setting needs to set a few handlers so it can work properly, I have created some default handlers, but you can also set it to your custom ones if desired.

Moving on, the settings menu is now able to reset a setting default value by pressing 'R' on the current highlighted setting, as you can see in this gif all settings are reset to the default value in different pages (whether they are created by a mod or by the game itself)

Like I said, I'm trying my best so the mods don't need to save data into save files, to avoid the possibility of the files becoming corrupted, that's why I have done this so mods can save any setting in a external file easily without modifying save files.

Here's is a piece of contents of the JSON file generated with all settings:

    "sr_dev_console_enabled": true,
    "sr_dev_logging_enabled": true,
    "sr_language_id": "english",
    "sr_audio_master_volume": 32,
    "jd_first_mod_enabled": true,
    "jd_first_mod_extra_content": true,
    "jane_doe_side_stories_mod_enabled": true,
    "jane_doe_side_stories_on_off_value": true,
    "jane_doe_side_stories_list_value": "Hard",
    "jane_doe_side_stories_slider_value": 8
Also, I have changed how the settings are saved and loaded to avoid deleting setting IDs that may not exist in the game, which means that you will be able to add and remove mods and their settings won't be deleted from the JSON file, it will persist inside of it, in case the mod is installed again in the future, it will be able to load the old settings back without problems (as long as their IDs has not changed)

Just in case, I also added a function to the Settings module to perform a cleanup on the JSON file to delete settings that does not exist currently, just in case anyone wants to clean their JSON file.

I'm currently making the same changes to the In-Game console module so any mod can create and add their own commands to debug the game, but it's not currently finished so I will talk about this in the next devlog!

My god this is pure gold, if I had any programming knowledge I would be trying to increase the content, this is one of my favorite h games.
(English is not my mother tongue)
Thank you very much for your work
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Jun 6, 2017
Mod Support Devlog 3: Creating Console Commands

Hey, it's me again :), Let's try to keep up this devlog weekly posting

I have finished working on the console module to allow mods to create custom commands.

The downside of this is that I had to change the way commands were created to support mod commands, which has resulted in many commands that I had previously created being missing now (like the teleport command), but at least modders can create commands without too much trouble, just a script call, I'll have to bring them back, but it's not a priority now.

While I was doing this, I have made some improvements to the console, some of them are purely aesthetic and others are necessary to avoid problems in the future.

As you can see, the console window can show text with colors on the screen, also, the window size is now bigger, so the output text is clearer.

The help command (man) has been modified to support mods

console overview.gif

I have also made a modification to allow you to type long commands in the console input, previously, when the length of the command exceeded the width of the window, it was cut off, now you can type long commands and you can actually see what you are typing.

console long commands.gif

Now to the code part :geek:

The code needed to create commands is much simpler than the one needed to create mod settings, you can take a look in the spoiler below.

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You can define the command logic to run inside a block or declare a new module and create the functions there, which is tidier, it's up to you.

All the arguments that are sent to the command when called, are strings, that means, you will have to interpret the string and cast it to the type you need, to avoid having to copy and paste code, the mod has a module (Utils) that you can use to perform this cast (Utils.convert_to), you can check it out on the cmd3 function in the code above.

The console module also allows text to be written in its output buffer, the text will be split by each newline character ("\n") into a new line.

console mod commands 2.gif
Calling the cmd3 command to test the casting

console mod commands 1.gif
Using other mod commands (jdversion and jane_ss_ver)​

All commands (optionally) can have information, this information is automatically used by the help command (man) to display it on the console.

console mod help 1.jpg
You are not obliged to set the information of each command (#set_info) but it is a good practice, to know how to use it.

In order to avoid modders overwriting the vanilla commands, all mod commands will be added once all sana revamped commands are created, so they all will appear in that order on the manual, as you can see on this pic

console mod help 2.jpg

That's it for now :geek:

For the next devlog, I was planning to work on the localisation module to allow mods to add their translations and modify the current ones, but I think I'll leave that for the one after the next and get to work on adding support for game pictures, which I started working on today.

I want to allow modders to modify all pictures shown in-game without overwriting the vanilla pics, combine this with the sex framework animations and you will be able to change the whole game art, without touching the RPG Maker editor at all or worrying about breaking the game by overwriting something by mistake or whatever.
Last edited:

Big Chingus

Nov 20, 2022
Mod Support Devlog 3: Creating Console Commands

Hey, it's me again :), Let's try to keep up this devlog weekly posting

I have finished working on the console module to allow mods to create custom commands.

The downside of this is that I had to change the way commands were created to support mod commands, which has resulted in many commands that I had previously created being missing now (like the teleport command), but at least modders can create commands without too much trouble, just a script call, I'll have to bring them back, but it's not a priority now.

While I was doing this, I have made some improvements to the console, some of them are purely aesthetic and others are necessary to avoid problems in the future.

As you can see, the console window can show text with colors on the screen, also, the window size is now bigger, so the output text is clearer.

The help command (man) has been modified to support mods

I have also made a modification to allow you to type long commands in the console input, previously, when the length of the command exceeded the width of the window, it was cut off, now you can type long commands and you can actually see what you are typing.

Now to the code part :geek:

The code needed to create commands is much simpler than the one needed to create mod settings, you can take a look in the spoiler below.

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You can define the command logic to run inside a block or declare a new module and create the functions there, which is tidier, it's up to you.

All the arguments that are sent to the command when called, are strings, that means, you will have to interpret the string and cast it to the type you need, to avoid having to copy and paste code, the mod has a module (Utils) that you can use to perform this cast (Utils.convert_to), you can check it out on the cmd3 function in the code above.

The console module also allows text to be written in its output buffer, the text will be split by each newline character ("\n") into a new line.

View attachment 3440092
Calling the cmd3 command to test the casting

View attachment 3440084
Using other mod commands (jdversion and jane_ss_ver)​

All commands (optionally) can have information, this information is automatically used by the help command (man) to display it on the console.
You are not obliged to set the information of each command (#set_info) but it is a good practice, to know how to use it.

In order to avoid modders overwriting the vanilla commands, all mod commands will be added once all sana revamped commands are created, so they all will appear in that order on the manual, as you can see on this pic

That's it for now :geek:

For the next devlog, I was planning to work on the localisation module to allow mods to add their translations and modify the current ones, but I think I'll leave that for the one after the next and get to work on adding support for game pictures, which I started working on today.

I want to allow modders to modify all pictures shown in-game without overwriting the vanilla pics, combine this with the sex framework animations and you will be able to change the whole game art, without touching the RPG Maker editor at all or worrying about breaking the game by overwriting something by mistake or whatever.
Does this mean that someone would be able to potentially replace all the art in the game with their own?


Jun 6, 2017
Does this mean that someone would be able to potentially replace all the art in the game with their own?
Yeah, that's the plan :)

For the next devlog I'm currently working on the images that are shown during the game (using the [Show Picture] command inside in-game events) but I will support all types of pictures (like the window skin, battle backgrounds, faces, tilesets, characters...), pretty much everything inside the Graphics folder.


Sep 12, 2017
Phew work has been kicking my ass lately but dont fret yall
Im still working on Sana update CGs for the revamp
Here are some examples
View attachment 3478089 View attachment 3478090 View attachment 3478091 View attachment 3478092
love the spanking art

Mod Support Devlog 3: Creating Console Commands

Hey, it's me again :), Let's try to keep up this devlog weekly posting

I have finished working on the console module to allow mods to create custom commands.

The downside of this is that I had to change the way commands were created to support mod commands, which has resulted in many commands that I had previously created being missing now (like the teleport command), but at least modders can create commands without too much trouble, just a script call, I'll have to bring them back, but it's not a priority now.

While I was doing this, I have made some improvements to the console, some of them are purely aesthetic and others are necessary to avoid problems in the future.

As you can see, the console window can show text with colors on the screen, also, the window size is now bigger, so the output text is clearer.

The help command (man) has been modified to support mods

I have also made a modification to allow you to type long commands in the console input, previously, when the length of the command exceeded the width of the window, it was cut off, now you can type long commands and you can actually see what you are typing.

Now to the code part :geek:

The code needed to create commands is much simpler than the one needed to create mod settings, you can take a look in the spoiler below.

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You can define the command logic to run inside a block or declare a new module and create the functions there, which is tidier, it's up to you.

All the arguments that are sent to the command when called, are strings, that means, you will have to interpret the string and cast it to the type you need, to avoid having to copy and paste code, the mod has a module (Utils) that you can use to perform this cast (Utils.convert_to), you can check it out on the cmd3 function in the code above.

The console module also allows text to be written in its output buffer, the text will be split by each newline character ("\n") into a new line.

View attachment 3440092
Calling the cmd3 command to test the casting

View attachment 3440084
Using other mod commands (jdversion and jane_ss_ver)​

All commands (optionally) can have information, this information is automatically used by the help command (man) to display it on the console.
You are not obliged to set the information of each command (#set_info) but it is a good practice, to know how to use it.

In order to avoid modders overwriting the vanilla commands, all mod commands will be added once all sana revamped commands are created, so they all will appear in that order on the manual, as you can see on this pic

That's it for now :geek:

For the next devlog, I was planning to work on the localisation module to allow mods to add their translations and modify the current ones, but I think I'll leave that for the one after the next and get to work on adding support for game pictures, which I started working on today.

I want to allow modders to modify all pictures shown in-game without overwriting the vanilla pics, combine this with the sex framework animations and you will be able to change the whole game art, without touching the RPG Maker editor at all or worrying about breaking the game by overwriting something by mistake or whatever.
also glad to see more follow ups


Jun 6, 2017
Mod Support Devlog 4: Game Pictures

Welp... There goes my "weekly update" plans! :(

Hey! First sorry for the radio silence! I've been MIA for half April and May (and probably won't be as active as before for this week and the next one) mainly because I had some important family matters to attend to this month and my job doesn't leave me much free time either.

Nonetheless, I finished adding mod support for game pictures sometime in mid April but I did not find time to come here and share with y'all, so here we go!

To show this I've created a test image in the unmodded game, this file is called mod_test.png and I created an event on the game that shows this image, and it looks like this:


As you can see, the game shows an image with an A drawn on the center of the screen when you interact with the event.

You will be able to replace this image (and any image that you want) with custom images in the Graphics/Pictures directory, as a rule, the image must have the same name and extension to replace it.

As an example, this is the contents of the example_mod mod folder:

├── Graphics\
│----└── Pictures\
│----------└── mod_test.png

├── scripts\
│----└── init.rb

└── mod_info.json

Now, if you run the game and interact with the same event with that mod active, you will see how the original image is replaced on runtime:


And, of course, the image shown on that event will depend on which mod wins the conflict, in case there are more than one mod replacing the same image, so as an example, here's another mod replacing the same image, example_mod_2:

├── Graphics\
│----└── Pictures\
│----------└── mod_test.png

├── scripts\
│----└── mcm.rb

└── mod_info.json

And here's the result, example_mod_2 wins the conflict:


This works for all images that are inside the Graphics/Pictures folder, so you can easily create a mod and replace all game art to your own, though replacing the sex animations images will have a different approach to do it, I'll deal with this later.

It ain't nothing mindblowing but it works and it does not cause any frame drop at all, since all images that a mod provides is loaded at game start.

This devlog is probably way shorter than the others but I'm still a bit busy and do not have much time, I'll be back to normal in early June and hopefully I can finish adding mod support for the rest of the aspects of the game before June ends, once I'm done with that I still need to do a big refactor to the mod support module then I will consider it finished at that point, resume the sex framework work, which it is pretty much the only big thing left before v0.2

The next thing about mod support will be about adding and replacing translations on the game, see ya!


New Member
Feb 5, 2022
Hello guys, first of all I would like to congratulate and thank to tygct and Its_Dat_Boi_Ryuna for the great work you are doing. Sana is possibly the first NTR-themed game that I have come to like, before this game I used to avoid any similar ones as if they were plagues, but the designs and way of telling the story that is handled in Sana is undoubtedly attractive. Knowing that there is someone out there trying to give new life to this spectacular game certainly brings a smile to my face every time I remember, so again thanks for what you guys are doing. And well the main reason why I make this comment is to know if you can make any release of the new cgs you are working on


Jun 6, 2017
Hello guys, first of all I would like to congratulate and thank to tygct and Its_Dat_Boi_Ryuna for the great work you are doing. Sana is possibly the first NTR-themed game that I have come to like, before this game I used to avoid any similar ones as if they were plagues, but the designs and way of telling the story that is handled in Sana is undoubtedly attractive. Knowing that there is someone out there trying to give new life to this spectacular game certainly brings a smile to my face every time I remember, so again thanks for what you guys are doing. And well the main reason why I make this comment is to know if you can make any release of the new cgs you are working on
Thanks, hopefully we can get something of quality out of this!

About the question, Ryuna usually post some sneak peeks from time to time on the thread, not all new art created is posted tho, but it is up to him since he is the one working on that part


Nov 23, 2021
Glad youre all patient with this mod we're doing
As my update
Most of my work with the revamped CGs is almost complete, i still have few difficult ones that i need to finish which i left for last

and while i was at it i decided to see how they looked in the game
View attachment 3762025 View attachment 3762026 View attachment 3762027 View attachment 3762028
What do tall think with the sneak peek
Patience is a virtue. The mod deserves the necessary time.
I am delighted that you plan to add more erotic events of NTR hidden behind the protagonist. nice nice !


Jun 6, 2017
Question about the penis/censorship will it be drawn to match our goddess Sana
I do not think I'll be able to remove the censorship from the CGs since I'm no artist, don't know if Its_Dat_Boi_Ryuna has considered doing this for the new art tho, but if he does not, it is still way better than the original tbh.

Nevertheless, like I said in the last mod system devlog the mod will allow modders to replace any image on the game without troubles, so who knows, it may happen in the future.

PS: A follow-up of the last mod support devlog.

Any image file inside the Graphics folder (battle backgrounds, faces, characters, tilesets, parallaxes...) should be covered by now

The supported image formats a mod can provide are: PNG, JPG and BMP

Original window skin

Window skin from a mod

The resulting image will depend on which mod is winning the conflict, as you can see in the log, "example_mod_3" is winning the conflict for the system window skin image.


A file inside the Mods folder will dictate the load order:


I also changed how pictures are handled, now it will only load the bitmap once it is requested by the game, in the previous post all images were loaded as soon as they were detected (base game also) and it managed to use almost 1 GB of RAM


Mar 17, 2018
Not gonna lie, I do not have confidence you will ever get to a 'ready to ship' status with this revamp. Nevertheless it's lovely to see how you use this project to learn more and more of this rather abstract knowledge and build upon your own ideas.

I guess if nothing else, if there are one more modder out there that gained a valuable knowledge and understand the basic pipeline as well as how they are usually processed is a big win. That's how today's top modders grow out from skyrim originally. :D
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Jun 6, 2017
Not gonna lie, I do not have confidence you will ever get to a 'ready to ship' status with this revamp. Nevertheless it's lovely to see how you use this project to learn more and more of this rather abstract knowledge and build upon your own ideas.

I guess if nothing else, if there are one more modder out there that gained a valuable knowledge and understand the basic pipeline as well as how they are usually processed is a big win. That's how today's top modders grow out from skyrim originally. :D
I see the project as a matter of time and patience rather than difficulty, since it doesn't depend on someone else's wishes and I don't have to meet goals or anything like that.

I believe the reason why people might think it will never come out is kinda my fault because when I finish implementing one thing I come up with two other ideas that might be good and end up implementing them in the mod (delaying the release), I could say that this "development hell" kindof has been the reason why the next version has been delayed so much in the past.

In fact, related to the above, the only reason I'm implementing mod support is to try to make myself see that I can't implement everything I can think of (like this was a private and personal project or smth) and leave other ideas for the future adding them as mod packages, because I'd never end up releasing a playable version.

But I totally understand what you mean, regardless if it ends up coming out or not, the knowledge I've gained on how the RPG Maker (RGSS) engine works internally is definitely a good thing :)
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