Seems like people have already pointed out that combat doesn't seem to flow too well. I think it's because the game seems to be going for a Karryn's Prison style system but hasn't copied all of the mechanics. Where in Karryn's game lewd attacks increase your orgasm meter and only when it fills up does your energy decrease and once the energy hits 0 you actually lose the battle. Here your willpower bar is constantly under attack the moment your clothes are damaged and hitting 0 instantly losing you the battle. I feel that the problem is that the bar which takes damage from lewd attacks is also the one that loses you the battle when it hits 0 makes lewd content hard to get, not to mention corruption gain is too slow for it to get anywhere close to 100 in a reasonable time frame to begin with.
So here's some immediate things I can think of that could help the state of the game.
-Decrease WP damage/increase the total and increase corruption gain during battle, either by changing the base amounts, rebalancing the corruptions or introducing skills/items for that purpose. If you're trying to copy the gameplay loop of Karryn's prison and combine two bars that game has into one then that one bar is going to need to last a while for anything to happen. Something as simple as not having enemies use lewd attacks every turn or skip turns could also give more breathing room.
-Some way for the 100 corruption actions to happen more easily and consistently as currently the game lacks the content needed for a long playthrough that could get you to high corruption naturally, this could just be a skill/item that is here during the demo and later gets removed or changed, Karryn's Prison had the desire release skills so something similar could work. Alternatively getting knocked down with 0 stamina could let enemies do higher corruption actions if you're down for long enough is also a way for stuff to happen quickly.
-One thing I didn't like with Karryn's prison is that once a sex position starts the only way to get out of it is to wait for everyone involved to cum, not much player agency and it would take way too long compared to combat at times. Some way to actively resist the pinned status (I think that's what it's called?) and get back into combat would be appreciated.
-Some notification about new corruption states, having to navigate into the corruption menu to check if anything changed gets tiresome after a while.
Just a few points I wanted to make. Looking forward to future updates.