See attached a couple of save files, to progress at the point were Naomi has to find a stripper for the 3 girls. In fact the guy in the Hawai shirt is going to be that stripper. In the "file5.rpgsave" you will be able to go to the bar and speak with Kyle, its more or less at the same point you were in your "file2.rpgsave". I also added file6 and file7 with more progress just to be shure you can advance in the game if you get stuck. I've added some text file with some explanantion in their title. Copy whichever file you like into your save folder. Have fun !
BTW : I do this because I think the
@ddfunlol games deserve much more attention on this forum (and on Patreon), they are really great !

Renders are good, story is good, he has a lot of animations, AND most important some excellent horny sounds with his animations