Sunday Update Continues
A little more about the changes in project-management: Besides me working full-time on the game for (at least) the next three months, there will be two
major changes in our Patreon and SubscribeStar pages.
About one of these decisions I've been thinking for a long time, and wasn't really sure what to do until I've talked to a couple of our Patrons.
Basically, it goes like this: we have supporters who have been paying us for many months, some even over a year.
And, basically, they get the same reward for their support as a guy who just joined a day ago.
As we upload every week, this accumulates for much more than just the game updates - there are
many images, and now also video clips.
And there are guys who have been helping us for so long, and kept supporting us even at times when the game was only a couple of photos and a glint in Paula's eye...

And they get exactly the same material as a guy who just joined an hour ago.
That is because all the material that we uploaded since the beginning of the project is still posted on Patreon and SubscribeStar.
And as much as we love everyone who supports us, we do believe that we have to be fair towards those Patrons and Subscribers who stay with us for the long haul, and let them benefit from their relentless, unwavering support.
All that, of course, without "punishing" our new supporters, or even those who just come over for a quickie, and then take a cab home - you know who you are!..

beginning April 1st, we will keep only material from three months back.
This means that on the 1st of April, we will delete all the material older than the 1st of January 2022.
Then, each month, we will cleanup everything that's older than three months - except game updates, and public (non-payed) material.
So if there's anyone who wants to save Paula as she was in her younger days, with test renders in Maya and RenderMan, you have about a fortnight...

That's it for now. I'll continue rendering, and tomorrow start uploading some Patron-only material of these lovely girls and their teacher.
Team XTZ