I will be playing both routes to see all the content, as with most games, but I'm quite curious how bad will be the difference in tone between them? Paula is obviously getting some action if she becomes an actress again, but will it affect the relationship with Max and Jessica?
I try to make decisions that would make sense for the character and if she got really fucked up in her previous stint and almost left the family or some shit, I don't see Max recommending her to get back to it.
I don't want to spread too many spoilers here, so I will just note a couple of things I've learned in my life, and that I find mostly true:
1) Actions have consequences. Meaning that if you do stuff, other people will usually have opinions about you based, at least partially, on that stuff. And they will react accordingly.
2) People after a certain age, at their base, don't change that much. Even if they do some truly weird and extreme things, they probably had it in them all along. And if they hadn't, they won't.
What I mean by this is that even if, in some parallel universe, the life route of a person, Paula for instance, takes them in very different path, they may act in very different ways but still, at their core, they'll stay themselves - and that "self" will usually come out of it's hiding, eventually.
Yes, I know it's a bit vague.
But that's me, trying to be mysterious