Holy sh*t, WTF dude, why are you still on and on about WTF you are ranting about for the last what seemed like 50 posts. Just state your opinion, feedback, criticism or whatever you want to call it ONCE and only ONE TIME. No one wants to read (or listened) to it over and over again like a broken record. No need to argue or establish who (or what) is right or wrong etc.
If the other party accepts/agrees or not, it is none of your concerns (and beyond your control too). Just move one with your life and do something productive (and don't even need to tell other people if you are leaving or moving on, NO ONE DON"T GIVE A SH*T about what you do, don't do, will do, will not do etc.).
Most people generally accepts opinions that were provided in good faith simply because they benefited from it. One thing you should also consider is that whatever the opinions, feedbacks, criticisms etc. that you have (or give) even with the very best intention, that does not mean that they are the best, better or in the slightest chance even good to other person.
At the very least, you should already had appreciated that anyone would even read (or listened) to whatever the hell are you wrote in the first place, because it is not mandatory or obligatory to do it in the first. But anyway, it is the last time I will ever read your post
