Is "the Fate of Darrowshire" quest incomplte, since i only found the shild yet but nothing else, no other location where the rest coud be.
also the quest with the double date cound be finishd, i have it with both girls still no progess in the lilian route- did i miss something?
Is "the Fate of Darrowshire" quest incomplte, since i only found the shild yet but nothing else, no other location where the rest coud be.
also the quest with the double date cound be finishd, i have it with both girls still no progess in the lilian route- did i miss something?
It is not finished but all items are in the game. How come you found the shield, the most sneaky item, and not all the three others ? ^^
Once all items found, Tyrosus will tell you "the battle for Darrowshire" isn't in the game yet. You can check Marjhan's library for one of them
Also the Double Date should be available. It just need all Lilian & Marjhan event finished. You can send me your save if you want me to take a look, making sure all variables are flagged correctly. Don't hesitate to join on Discord for instant answer if you'd like
I saw your post from Summertime Saga... I will be keeping an eye on your game since I like Warcraft...
I haven't played since it doesn't seem to have anything I'm too interested in, but I would definitely consider supporting Patreon on the promise of optional futa or incest, and if the game will have other races besides humans and blood elves... there are not a lot of expansive and good quality VN's for Warcraft so curious to see what you do.
I saw your post from Summertime Saga... I will be keeping an eye on your game since I like Warcraft...
I haven't played since it doesn't seem to have anything I'm too interested in, but I would definitely consider supporting Patreon on the promise of optional futa or incest, and if the game will have other races besides humans and blood elves... there are not a lot of expansive and good quality VN's for Warcraft so curious to see what you do.
Come Nerevar friend or traitor come... the fuck where is Grand Marshal Garithos??
What a grand and intoxicating innoncence! not including the emperor of mankind Othmar Garithos is sacrilegious! especially since it's supposedly a Scarlet Crusade themed game which heavily deals with undertone racism and human superiority
Humanity is in peril!
Die Mongrel!!
If you want something done right...leave it to a human.
You can go to the tavern (at night) and drink with your friend to receive hints. "Oh I heard you were training with Abbendis" "Weren't you supposed to be at Light's Hope?" etc.
Unless I forgot one, every single quest has its hints up to the lastest patch. Also, you have your quest log to remind you where you were and what you should do.
If despite all of this you are stuck (possibly soft lock without realizing it" you can ask me ! I'll be quicker to answer on Discord if you want
On this day, four years ago, was released the first version of the Scarlet Ashbringer. Back then it was an humble post on Reddit, and I didn't know if it would catch up.
And we are here today to celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of my game! What an adventure! It started as a fun parody, but thanks to this amazing community, it grew into something truly special! I love working on this game, my personal situation changed in a way that give me more time and money to invest into the game, and I will do everything in my power to make it show!
I couldn't have done it without you. Developing this kind of game is not cheap, and your help has been invaluable to expand! Thank you all too for the feedback and the brainstorming we had together!
To four amazing years and to many more to come!
Next update
So here's the current plan. The current focus is the Scarlet Monastery update but it is far, so far from being done. So I will propose soon a "fluff" update, with a new map, four scene, and a bit of story about Auronia and our Crimson Courier. Here's a peek...
And if everything goes according to plan, there will probably be another "fluff" update destined to Whitemane. As you can see in the artwork above, I've hired another artist who will work on these fluff update. I will be pushing the NSFW aspect of the game even more! :3
The first fluff update might be ready around April / May. No promise.
Now sit down and have a piece of cake, we're celebrating!