always stuck with mimi's big sister quest...impossible to talk to her, I have persuasion at 6, I have done all the other quests, there is the "!" to talk to him but nothing appears. Is it buggy or what triggers the quest? we say that it is : keep chating with mimi. so, it's impossible...
It's already painful to restart the game 100 times because it gives a white screen (before going to sleep at Emily's) but we're not sure if it's the end of the version or the detection of problems.. .I love this game, I think it really has some great qualities that I would like to see elsewhere, but there is some data that is missing...
I also wonder if events where we had several choices will come back, like the house party for example. It's my fault, I told myself that I had to stop the games that were not complete or in progress, but I like this one so much ^^'