Sadly this happens sometimes with some not compatible gpu (happened with mine, and fix it easily)
this is a plugin fault, go to www\js\plugins.js and first make a copy of it, rename it to plugins.bak or leave it with the name of plugins - copy.js, this will be a backup if you mess up, or something goes wrong.
then search for this line
Line 86 = {"name":"Aries001_AnimationScreenEffects","status":true,"description":"Additional screen effects in RPG Maker MV.","parameters":{"Screen Shakes":"","Shake Type":"Vertical","Sound Effect File Names":"","Shake SE":"SSFX_Shake","Blur SE":"SSFX_Blur","ZoomBlur SE":"SSFX_ZoomBlur","Glow SE":"SSFX_Glow","Wave SE":"SSFX_Wave","Distort SE":"SSFX_Distort","Options":"","Allow Options":"true","Options Text Effect Playback":"Screen Effects","Options Text Effect Power":"Screen Effect Power","Default Option":"true","Default Power":"100"}},
change the "status":true, to "status":false, like this:
Line 86 = {"name":"Aries001_AnimationScreenEffects","status":false,"description":"Additional screen effects in RPG Maker MV.","parameters":{"Screen Shakes":"","Shake Type":"Vertical","Sound Effect File Names":"","Shake SE":"SSFX_Shake","Blur SE":"SSFX_Blur","ZoomBlur SE":"SSFX_ZoomBlur","Glow SE":"SSFX_Glow","Wave SE":"SSFX_Wave","Distort SE":"SSFX_Distort","Options":"","Allow Options":"true","Options Text Effect Playback":"Screen Effects","Options Text Effect Power":"Screen Effect Power","Default Option":"true","Default Power":"100"}},
Don't capitalize the F or you mess the file.
That should do the trick. But if you receive an error for "MOG_Pixifilter" or "MOG_WheaterEX" find these 2 lines
Line 89 = {"name":"MOG_PixiFilters","status":true,"description":"(v1.5) Ativa alguns filtros gr??ficos padr??es do Rpg Maker MV.","parameters":{}},
Line 93 = {"name":"MOG_Weather_EX","status":true,"description":"(v3.2 *) Adiciona novos efeitos de climas.","parameters":{"Battle Weather":"true"}},
do the same thing, change them to:
Line 89 = {"name":"MOG_PixiFilters","status":false,"description":"(v1.5) Ativa alguns filtros gr??ficos padr??es do Rpg Maker MV.","parameters":{}},
Line 93 = {"name":"MOG_Weather_EX","status":false,"description":"(v3.2 *) Adiciona novos efeitos de climas.","parameters":{"Battle Weather":"true"}},
and you'll be able to play.
I had problems with the "pixifilter" and "wheater" after loading a save, that's why i left that solution too.
Hope it helps, if anything, remember you can restore the file "plugins.js" if you make a backup of it. But, as long as i know, there should be no problem if you've done this correctly.