From the Patreon post ''And let’s be honest. SCREW WARS may be fun for some of us, but it does not have that potential.''
What a load of shit. This game has way more potential then yet another boring slave trainer without any story and meaning. I hope he changes his Patreon page or closes it as his work is not being what people see on his page.
We need a hero to create a true stars porn game as honestly here was a great start -the bugs.
I tried man. I tried.
Right after Skull when dark with me I decided to start making my own game.
I took the storyline the characters and everything that I pitched to him and posted here.
And I created the skeleton of a game. I started coding everything and threw in so many secret easter eggs and lore specific scenes. I wanted to create a game worthy of KOTOR. But with somewhat less of the same budget.
But no one wants to look at bones.
So instead of creating a text game I tried to look for someone willing and talented enough to work on the art.
However since I couldn't find anyone interested in creating a new Star Wars game with me.
I shuttered the project.
I still open it from time to time to tinker with it.
But until someone expresses interest in creating a real Star Wars story. That truly does justice to the franchise after the bantha fodder that was the Last Jedi.
I will be waiting.
If you see anyone like that. Send them my way. Cause we, the fan base of Star Wars, deserve much better than the shit we have been sold.