So this feels barely play-tested. You have to do certain tasks in a certain way, as in not all the method a player might employ to get to the goal are accounted for. I found out last night that you had to quit the game and relaunch to get out of the Brenda masturbation loop but wasn't sure enough to report it here.
Also does anyone know if the character creation will be developed further? In its current state it feels very much like a placeholder or a novelty feature. You can't change the height of your character, the base model is designed with the default look in mind so trying to customize it makes the model look very alien; the color slider is very basic and not meant to be applied on skin textures, so any color that isn't white makes the model look odd. Basically even the slightest shade of pigmentation makes it look very unnatural and plasticky, paired it with the problem of un-tweakable height/bulk and limited hairstyles make it so that the end result always comes out looking like a generic zoomer brat. I hope it doesn't stay that way forever. Also some basic options for tweaking the penis would be nice, the girth seems uneven given how smooshed it looks.