twist took a while to get that kinky. it started just like any other game, massaging the mom's breasts while reading a bookI am sad the last game was super kinky but this one is kinda vanilla
yesIs there a sex scene with Emily?? I completed the quest and the only sex scene was with Brenda.
Use the specific crack and you are good to go!???Where's the crack?Try lowering your graphic settings in game.
This is first meet with Michelle, she'll be sitting at the table in front of cafe. Just approach her and talk.started new save. stuck on "check on the lady at the cafe in old town" anyone remember how to complete this early part?
Download crack from link on first page, first post.Use the specific crack and you are good to go!???Where's the crack?
So far only oralHave sex with Janice ?
You probably need to pick up a small credit card on the ground near Michelle, then talk to her.started new save. stuck on "check on the lady at the cafe in old town" anyone remember how to complete this early part?
that is where the 23.2 update endsIs there a way to unlock the barrier on the path that leads to the other beach? I can't find any other way to continue the story.
Hello when will we had the MC have sx with Isabella the cop also when will she got a custome change and is there a way we can increase the boobsAfter showing the 2nd mysterious card to Isabella there should be an advice to do your homework.
Try to skip a day to get your next Quest entry.
Is there a savegame data for this game ?that is where the 23.2 update ends
all your saves are in Users\Your_UserName\Documents\SeasideMysteryIs there a savegame data for this game ?
there might be a save from 0.20 but you have to look thru older pages for thatDoes anybody have version 0.20 save. I lost mine and haven't played after v0.20.
Thanks but i mean a save game file we can download and put to ourdataall your saves are in Users\Your_UserName\Documents\SeasideMystery