This is one of the main reasons why we are all here, isn't it? I mean your statement has no sense. Like you don't have right to critisice something if you didn't pay for it? I think this works only for charity. If many people say that the product is shit, then it most probably is. Paid or not.Oh the irony of complaining about a game you download for free when it's meant to be only for people who pay for it.
Spend more time with Brenda in the hot tub (between 13-16:00,she is there everyday till you unlock Aviator Glasses).Then,just go to sleep,and skip a few days.At one night,MC will recieve a message on the phone from Brenda.Ask her when she has breakfast in the morning about that Message.Sleep more days,at one night she will come to your room,and a ther will be a sleeping scene.At the morning go to to her ,go to sleep again and Mc will comment about how great it was to sleep with her,and give you a hint about her showering.Go and peek on her when she showers,6 poses of her showering there.She will catch you.Go and apologize.She will ask you to trim the bushes outside.Go to garage and pick up the scissor thing on the table.Inteligence stat required here,do your homework till the game says that its to complicated.Ask Emily in the morning of Saturday to help you.Complete your homework and go to garage again.Trim the bushes and it triggers a scene of her peeking on you in the shower.End of this update so far.How are you supposed to know what to do? The cues don't work? I have no hints and I don't know what to do.
Anything new in the game?
Found a box to unlock the park in the room. That's it.
And nothing new except sneaking behind the lady in the kitchen. And teaching the girl to swim in the pool. Just once. Then she doesn't learn more.
What's going on?
Play volleyball with her.approach her the next day and it will trigger a dialogue,involving Michelle.That's it for 0.13what about janice progression? i can only play volleyball with her at the beach
Saturday morning Emily is bathroom ?Spend more time with Brenda in the hot tub (between 13-16:00,she is there everyday till you unlock Aviator Glasses).Then,just go to sleep,and skip a few days.At one night,MC will recieve a message on the phone from Brenda.Ask her when she has breakfast in the morning about that Message.Sleep more days,at one night she will come to your room,and a ther will be a sleeping scene.At the morning go to to her ,go to sleep again and Mc will comment about how great it was to sleep with her,and give you a hint about her showering.Go and peek on her when she showers,6 poses of her showering there.She will catch you.Go and apologize.She will ask you to trim the bushes outside.Go to garage and pick up the scissor thing on the table.Inteligence stat required here,do your homework till the game says that its to complicated.Ask Emily in the morning of Saturday to help you.Complete your homework and go to garage again.Trim the bushes and it triggers a scene of her peeking on you in the shower.End of this update so far.
Thanks for the WalkthroughJust opened and there are no task as of yet.
I did find this, hope it will be of some help to you - to me as well.
QlinesEng txt under resources.
0000 Talk to BreName (Kitchen)
0001 Find EmName's book
0002 Return the book to EmName
0003 Help BreName with the deckchair
0004 Inflate the volleyball ball
0005 Wait for EmName at the living in the evening
0006 Help BreName in the kitchen
0007 Help BreName in the kitchen
0008 Fix the table lamp
0009 Find a light bulb
0010 Replace the table lamp's light bulb
0011 Give the cold drink to BreName while she is in the hot tub
0012 Talk to BreName at the pool
0013 Talk to BreName at the pool (hot tub)
0014 Make a cold drink for BreName
0015 Talk to EmName
0016 Get the Volleyball ball
0017 Go to the bathroom
0018 Talk to JanName at the beach
0019 Play volleyball with JanName
0020 Win a match against JanName
0021 Use a toilet
0022 Get yourself a drink
0023 Meet BreName at the bedroom after 20:00
0024 Talk to BreName (living room)
0025 Find a Wine glass
0026 Return Wine glass to BreName
0027 Check on EmName (living room)
0028 Buy the painkillers
0029 Give painkillers to EmName
0030 Spend time with BreName in the hot tub
0031 Talk to BreName (Kitchen)
0032 Bring the mail to BreName
0033 Go to classroom 205
0034 Show your homework book to Ms. AsiSurname
0035 Check the mailbox
0036 Ask BreName to go to the beach with you (living room)
0037 Visit the lighthouse with BreName
0038 Visit the lighthouse with BreName
0039 Come back to the old lighthouse with BreName right before the sunset
0040 Spend time with BreName in the hot tub (pool)
0041 Come back to the old lighthouse with BreName right before the sunset
0042 Watch sunset with BreName at the old lighthouse
0043 Massage BreName in the hot tub (pool)
0044 Buy a cup of coffee at the cafe in old town
0045 Give the cup of coffee to EmName
0046 Talk to EmName in the kitchen
0047 Talk to BreName
0048 Wait till BreName asks your help
0049 Peep on BreName while she is taking a shower
0050 Teach EmName how to swim
0051 Ask Emily for help with Homework(dining zone)
0052 Talk to BreName (living room)
0053 Apologize BreName (living room)
0054 Find the hedge trimming tools
0055 Fix the hedge trimmer
0056 Meet MichName at the beach(pier)
0057 Talk to JanName at the beach
0058 Massage JanName's leg at the beach
There's a big difference between criticism and whining. This is a shitty "game" but crying about it over and over is hilarious to meThis is one of the main reasons why we are all here, isn't it? I mean your statement has no sense. Like you don't have right to critisice something if you didn't pay for it? I think this works only for charity. If many people say that the product is shit, then it most probably is. Paid or not.