I've probed around a bit in hope of easy fix of atrocious time limit by means of decompiler. I haven't worked with Unity before so I don't really know what I'm doing, but I've successfully modded several Kegani games before in this way to re-balance it to my liking. I was a bit surprised to not see the usual Unity structure - after probing around a bit I'm of the opinion dev used Unity Visual Scripting with Bolt.hey you use just unity??? and c# or something like Naninovel???
I haven't looked too deeply into how that works because I don't feel like wasting time on learning tech that's likely never going to be relevant. Somebody with Unity/Bolt experience (or just common sense) educate me if I'm wrong, but he logic (state graphs?) seems to be baked into the binary assets/scenes instead of the Assembly-CSharp.dll. I suspect this tech might also be the reason why cheat engine doesn't work the same way as with normal unity games. My gut feeling says Bolt is probably doing some kind of unusual fvckery with the variables due to the way it works that results in unintentional randomization of the value location.