May 9, 2020
I have found either a Bug/ Glitch or a potential Exploit which doesn't necessarily need to be fixed since it doesn't entirely impact the game, just something I noticed.

When ever Veronica visits the cafe with "Roomba" to scout the place, she will occassionally call in her Bouncers to sit at a table. This exploit I noticed can work on either one or both of them in one of two ways.

As the bouncers sit at a table, accompanied with one of your maids, this exploit will work on one or both of them depending on what happens because when I first noticed this it only worked on the one that is just perpetually angry (red bar) and the other with the gray bar just went away immediately. The next time Veronica called them in this exploit worked on both of them, and then again afterwards the exploit only worked on the one with the permanent gray bar. So it kinda just depends I guess on which one or both it will work on at the time.

Sit a maid at their tables, and use the Take Out skill. Again, depending on which one or both the exploit works on, you can literally spam drag & drop the Take Out skill on one or both of them to sit there and farm grind Take Out money.

I intend to test this further once I've maxed out a couple of my Maids Take Out skill and then have them show up at the cafe again just to see if this is an exploitable way to just somewhat "Cheat" money.


Aug 28, 2017
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding how to use the gloryhole room, barely any guests visit it

Maybe one every two days, and it makes grinding out the upgrades take an eternity
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May 9, 2020
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding how to use the gloryhole room, barely any guests visit it

Maybe one every two days, and it makes grinding out the upgrades take an eternity
I'll answer to the best of my knowledge so far, in the Upgrades menu you can give Sergil an upgrade to bring clients into the Backrooms with a Maid, and it also depends on the type of relation a client has with said Maid, the client has to know that they can ask for their favorite Maid to meet them in the Glory Hole room, but they also don't have to know that it's their favorite Maid or a different Maid.

I think it has something to do with a promotion, if there's a shortage of clients who even know about the Glory Hole room then there will be minimal Popularity for it.

As far as I know at first it could take a couple weeks before the Glory Hole room can be a frequent thing. But if I had to give my advice on it, I'd highly recommend saving up $17,500 first to buy the Glory Hole room and the secret camera at the same time but that would have to come after with the Career room first to get the Idea point to even put that secret camera in the Glory Hole room in the first place, so the total cost of this operation is actually saving up 5k for the career room and 4k for the magazines to make it faster to spark said Ideas, so again in total this would recommend at least a minimum of $26,500.

I would also add to throw in saving up enough for the Promotion Room as well, to increase Popularity among your Maid staff.
May 9, 2020
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding how to use the gloryhole room, barely any guests visit it

Maybe one every two days, and it makes grinding out the upgrades take an eternity
I forgot to mention also yesterday, the Promo Room in the Backrooms has an upgrade where your Maid can give clients VIP tickets to meet them in the Backrooms as well. So their clients will spend that VIP ticket the next day.
May 9, 2020
You have to watch the Clients animation in the Chat section.
There's a Chat section? Dude I've been playing this game for like 3 weeks testing different money making paths to see what's the fastest to grind money, and this is the first I've ever heard of a Clients Chat section. I don't have the faintest idea where to even find that in game. lol


Active Member
Aug 11, 2019
Hi, would like to ask what engine this runs?
I can install the game in Joiplay no problem but Joiplay quit/crash when trying to run.
If can install on Joiplay means the plugins support this game's engine.


New Member
Dec 5, 2023
There's a Chat section? Dude I've been playing this game for like 3 weeks testing different money making paths to see what's the fastest to grind money, and this is the first I've ever heard of a Clients Chat section. I don't have the faintest idea where to even find that in game. lol
Hahahahaha its under the shop. Ame does bring a lot of money if you upgrade her skill "A lone Wolf" and preferable serve the women (bc they spent the most money) and then double or triple it with ur skill when they're about to leave. Ame has to serve the customer alone tho. The other maids have to be in the other rooms but you can take them out if you need someone to leave bc you cant serve them. Or send them to the glory hole.
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May 9, 2020
Hahahahaha its under the shop. Ame does bring a lot of money if you upgrade her skill "A lone Wolf" and preferable serve the women (bc they spent the most money) and then double or triple it with ur skill when they're about to leave. Ame has to serve the customer alone tho. The other maids have to be in the other rooms but you can take them out if you need someone to leave bc you cant serve them. Or send them to the glory hole.
Still not sure how that Chat feature works to unlock benefits. Day 83 and most of the clients # are maxed out so I don't know what I need to do.

Anyways I still find it bloody annoying, every single time I fumble to drag & drop a damned item onto a clients orders because the hitbox isn't hitting it and I miss getting a tip because the client cashes out at the same time. I REALLY wish the Dev would just at the very least make it a damned option to just double click the little bubble icon above the clients head for whatever they're ordering.

I know what you mean with the Chat being under the Shop in that stage of the game but that wasn't what I meant when I asked about a "Client Chat". I thought you literally meant there's a "Chat" button for individual clients somewhere in the game that I just didn't notice. The Chat button just takes me to the Locker room where Sergil & the Maids are and of course I can see I can talk to my Maids and etc. But literally I don't see anything that lets me know how to unlock any Benefits that a Maid can have.

So the process is click Chat > Select a Maid (Ame for example) > Benefits, I see Ame's Benefits.

But clicking Chat > Cynthia > Benefits I see no Benefits, same for Cookie & Rai. Those Benefits are Question Marked, I assume something has to unlock it, I don't know what that is. I click on the Clients in the Chat section but those are also all Question Marked, so I have no Client animations.

Hopeless DIO

Aug 14, 2017
Still not sure how that Chat feature works to unlock benefits. Day 83 and most of the clients # are maxed out so I don't know what I need to do.

Anyways I still find it bloody annoying, every single time I fumble to drag & drop a damned item onto a clients orders because the hitbox isn't hitting it and I miss getting a tip because the client cashes out at the same time. I REALLY wish the Dev would just at the very least make it a damned option to just double click the little bubble icon above the clients head for whatever they're ordering.

I know what you mean with the Chat being under the Shop in that stage of the game but that wasn't what I meant when I asked about a "Client Chat". I thought you literally meant there's a "Chat" button for individual clients somewhere in the game that I just didn't notice. The Chat button just takes me to the Locker room where Sergil & the Maids are and of course I can see I can talk to my Maids and etc. But literally I don't see anything that lets me know how to unlock any Benefits that a Maid can have.

So the process is click Chat > Select a Maid (Ame for example) > Benefits, I see Ame's Benefits.

But clicking Chat > Cynthia > Benefits I see no Benefits, same for Cookie & Rai. Those Benefits are Question Marked, I assume something has to unlock it, I don't know what that is. I click on the Clients in the Chat section but those are also all Question Marked, so I have no Client animations.
You have to see the client events to unlock them


New Member
Dec 5, 2023
Still not sure how that Chat feature works to unlock benefits. Day 83 and most of the clients # are maxed out so I don't know what I need to do.

Anyways I still find it bloody annoying, every single time I fumble to drag & drop a damned item onto a clients orders because the hitbox isn't hitting it and I miss getting a tip because the client cashes out at the same time. I REALLY wish the Dev would just at the very least make it a damned option to just double click the little bubble icon above the clients head for whatever they're ordering.

I know what you mean with the Chat being under the Shop in that stage of the game but that wasn't what I meant when I asked about a "Client Chat". I thought you literally meant there's a "Chat" button for individual clients somewhere in the game that I just didn't notice. The Chat button just takes me to the Locker room where Sergil & the Maids are and of course I can see I can talk to my Maids and etc. But literally I don't see anything that lets me know how to unlock any Benefits that a Maid can have.

So the process is click Chat > Select a Maid (Ame for example) > Benefits, I see Ame's Benefits.

But clicking Chat > Cynthia > Benefits I see no Benefits, same for Cookie & Rai. Those Benefits are Question Marked, I assume something has to unlock it, I don't know what that is. I click on the Clients in the Chat section but those are also all Question Marked, so I have no Client animations.
To unlock the benefits for the maids you have to watch the events of the clients. For example Cynthia has just one benefit. To activate it you have to watch the events under Chat then talk to Cynthia and then clients. You have to watch all 3, which include the group of guys, to unlock the option to activate her benefit. Then you can head to Chat and then benefit. There you have to watch a single event or skip it if you hold the icon for a bit. After that the benefit is activated. The maids benefits are passive so you dont have to do something afterwards.
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May 9, 2020
Don't know if this has been reported, it's only happened once and this was the first time on this client. The Goth Client (the one wearing a gas mask), one of his quirks is that he instantly respawns in (doesn't leave) after Check Out time is up some times, well I invited him to the Back Room, Cookie was occupying the Glory Hole, and I think what happened is that after he Checked Out of the Glory Hole & didn't leave, it caused the game to crash. I accidentally erased the Error report when it popped up instead of Copying it to paste here so best I can do is describe when it happened and what might've cause it to crash.

He was also in the main Cafe area too with Ame at the same time.


New Member
Sep 4, 2020
Is there or will there be a version for Android? If there isn't, is there any way to make it work with a simulator or something like that? (English from Google Translate, sorry)


Sep 9, 2022
Two questions:

1) When will the new maid be implemented?
2) I was told in the beginning of the game that I would have to pay the maids. I've yet to pay them a single dime. Are they going to work for free forever?
May 9, 2020
Here's my somewhat attempt at a "Guide" for those interested, based on what I've learned and know so far, this is just my assessment after playing around for awhile.

Don't waste any of your money on buying items for charm, appearance/ looks, lust/ lewdness etc. If you do buy any items just get the energy drinks.

Don't waste any of your money on upgrading the three main girls, I would argue it's a waste of money because there's not too big of an emphasis on their shared skills. If you upgrade them, just get the big major exclusive to themselves skills, if you do upgrade their shared skills ("Shared Skills" such as Care, Flirt, Take Out, and Send Text/ Exchanging Contact Info with Clients). It's best that if you do upgrade those Shared Skills, don't bother trying to max them out, just get one point in each if you must. Otherwise just focus on Upgrading Rai's, Cookie's & Cynthia's Independent skills.

- For Cynthia, upgrade Synth-IA (when it becomes available) it's not completely necessary but at least the Maids will check out clients by themselves without you having to click on them. Focus more particularly on upgrading her Distraction & Just A Number skills.

- For Cookie, upgrade 3Cookie, Book of Secrets, Foresight, and Apologetic.

- For Rai, upgrade Mind Break & Menacing Presence

Again, if you MUST upgrade any of their Shared Skills, don't bother dumping too much money in them, just one skill point in each is enough.

The point to highlight here is that Ame becomes your SUPER MAID, she's literally your biggest money grind mega milker. Your three other Main Maid girls can just sit in the Back Rooms all day because once Ame's skills are maxed out there's almost no reason at all that you don't end a day without raking in between 6k-14k depending on what clients enter the cafe during the day.

((Edit: In fact, this is partly the only reason it might be completely and totally unnecessary to even bother upgrading Cynthia's Synth-IA skill upgrade, because this would give you optimal time to check out all clients without a stressful hassle of cycling Ame onto the clients on time before they check themselves out. So in my eyes, Synth-IA is an almost completely useless skill, it makes no sense at all to begin with that clients don't check themselves out unless Cynthia gets that Synth-IA skill but meh, it is what it is.))

((((((Dev, if you're reading, at the very least understand some points to this from the perspective of those playing your game. You're doing a good job and I appreciate your efforts.))))))

Don't waste needlessly on drag & dropping a clients orders, just enough to keep them "Happy" so their gray bar goes green, then remain green by letting an order remain unfulfilled (basically if they ask for a Hotdog, drag & drop the hotdog to get their Happiness meter to go from grey to green, then wait until they want another order of Coffee/ Tea/ whatever & just don't fulfill that order), then let them stay there until they're ready to check out. If you have Synth-IA skill, you'll have to hurry & be quick enough to check them out with Ame and don't forget to cycle between the customer/ clients with her, this is how you get maximized profit from Ame's skills.

- For Ame, upgrade her Lone Wolf & Stalker skills to max.

- For Ame, because she is your SUPER MAID, I would stress more heavily to focus on upgrading her "Shared Skills" such as Care, Flirt, Take Out & Send Text after upgrading her Lone Wolf & Stalker skills maxed out.

- For Ame, use her own Benefit that benefits herself being alone with Sergil in the Cafe.

Ame's Stalker skill is the reason why it's unnecessary for you to buy items for appearance, charm, and lewdness, because she's basically a Klepto, she will bring Sergil a random item once per day, maxing out the Stalker skill just increases the chance that she randomly gives Sergil a more rare item. If you're worried about leveling up a Maids appearance, charm, lewdness etc. then the best way to do it is just have Ame bring in those random items daily since it also saves your money.

I would rotate the other three main girls around the Back Room to clean in the closet and the other two to just sit and rest in the break room, you rotate them between the closet to clean and the break room because the one cleaning will gradually lose their energy.

Again, focusing on increase Ame's skills as your highest priority is what gives you your fastest money making grind thus far from what I've seen. It's literally your best and fastest way to make money.

As for what clients to tend to based on money making priority, I would focus more heavily on saving and only using the Care skill on the Lonely Housewife client, whom gives the largest tips but slow to order and fast sit time. There's also a blue haired client, he gives increased tips depending on how high the Maids Lewdness factor is. After that it's the Jock, just have Cynthia tend to him with Care and he gives her the bigger tips.

Out of all the clients the Cafe gets so far, those main three clients (House Wife, Jock, and blue haired guy), are the best choices to increase your tip money faster when you actually fulfill their orders. The other clients give such a low amount of tip money it's almost not worth fulfilling their orders, just once is enough to make them happy and no more than that.

That's about the best advice I can give for a "Guide" so far. Once Ame is maxed out, to increase your money making grind faster, upgrade Cynthia, Rai, and Cookie for the Glory Hole and/ or the VIP rooms. It's also strongly recommended to max out the Break Room & Closet Backrooms first, and then use Ame to save enough money after that to pick up the Career, Promo rooms for the Idea Points so you can have the little mini-camera for the Glory Hole room. Again, doing this there shouldn't be any problems making around 6k to 14k per day depending on what clients show up for Ame to tend to.

edit: Also, using Ame as your lone maid in the Cafe, she's the best at upgrading Sergils Cafe skills as well.
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May 28, 2020
Here's my somewhat attempt at a "Guide" for those interested, based on what I've learned and know so far, this is just my assessment after playing around for awhile.

Don't waste any of your money on buying items for charm, appearance/ looks, lust/ lewdness etc. If you do buy any items just get the energy drinks.

Don't waste any of your money on upgrading the three main girls, I would argue it's a waste of money because there's not too big of an emphasis on their shared skills. If you upgrade them, just get the big major exclusive to themselves skills, if you do upgrade their shared skills ("Shared Skills" such as Care, Flirt, Take Out, and Send Text/ Exchanging Contact Info with Clients). It's best that if you do upgrade those Shared Skills, don't bother trying to max them out, just get one point in each if you must. Otherwise just focus on Upgrading Rai's, Cookie's & Cynthia's Independent skills.

- For Cynthia, upgrade Synth-IA (when it becomes available) it's not completely necessary but at least the Maids will check out clients by themselves without you having to click on them. Focus more particularly on upgrading her Distraction & Just A Number skills.

- For Cookie, upgrade 3Cookie, Book of Secrets, Foresight, and Apologetic.

- For Rai, upgrade Mind Break & Menacing Presence

Again, if you MUST upgrade any of their Shared Skills, don't bother dumping too much money in them, just one skill point in each is enough.

The point to highlight here is that Ame becomes your SUPER MAID, she's literally your biggest money grind mega milker. Your three other Main Maid girls can just sit in the Back Rooms all day because once Ame's skills are maxed out there's almost no reason at all that you don't end a day without raking in between 6k-14k depending on what clients enter the cafe during the day.

((Edit: In fact, this is partly the only reason it might be completely and totally unnecessary to even bother upgrading Cynthia's Synth-IA skill upgrade, because this would give you optimal time to check out all clients without a stressful hassle of cycling Ame onto the clients on time before they check themselves out. So in my eyes, Synth-IA is an almost completely useless skill, it makes no sense at all to begin with that clients don't check themselves out unless Cynthia gets that Synth-IA skill but meh, it is what it is.))

((((((Dev, if you're reading, at the very least understand some points to this from the perspective of those playing your game. You're doing a good job and I appreciate your efforts.))))))

Don't waste needlessly on drag & dropping a clients orders, just enough to keep them "Happy" so their gray bar goes green, then remain green by letting an order remain unfulfilled (basically if they ask for a Hotdog, drag & drop the hotdog to get their Happiness meter to go from grey to green, then wait until they want another order of Coffee/ Tea/ whatever & just don't fulfill that order), then let them stay there until they're ready to check out. If you have Synth-IA skill, you'll have to hurry & be quick enough to check them out with Ame and don't forget to cycle between the customer/ clients with her, this is how you get maximized profit from Ame's skills.

- For Ame, upgrade her Lone Wolf & Stalker skills to max.

- For Ame, because she is your SUPER MAID, I would stress more heavily to focus on upgrading her "Shared Skills" such as Care, Flirt, Take Out & Send Text after upgrading her Lone Wolf & Stalker skills maxed out.

- For Ame, use her own Benefit that benefits herself being alone with Sergil in the Cafe.

Ame's Stalker skill is the reason why it's unnecessary for you to buy items for appearance, charm, and lewdness, because she's basically a Klepto, she will bring Sergil a random item once per day, maxing out the Stalker skill just increases the chance that she randomly gives Sergil a more rare item. If you're worried about leveling up a Maids appearance, charm, lewdness etc. then the best way to do it is just have Ame bring in those random items daily since it also saves your money.

I would rotate the other three main girls around the Back Room to clean in the closet and the other two to just sit and rest in the break room, you rotate them between the closet to clean and the break room because the one cleaning will gradually lose their energy.

Again, focusing on increase Ame's skills as your highest priority is what gives you your fastest money making grind thus far from what I've seen. It's literally your best and fastest way to make money.

As for what clients to tend to based on money making priority, I would focus more heavily on saving and only using the Care skill on the Lonely Housewife client, whom gives the largest tips but slow to order and fast sit time. There's also a blue haired client, he gives increased tips depending on how high the Maids Lewdness factor is. After that it's the Jock, just have Cynthia tend to him with Care and he gives her the bigger tips.

Out of all the clients the Cafe gets so far, those main three clients (House Wife, Jock, and blue haired guy), are the best choices to increase your tip money faster when you actually fulfill their orders. The other clients give such a low amount of tip money it's almost not worth fulfilling their orders, just once is enough to make them happy and no more than that.

That's about the best advice I can give for a "Guide" so far. Once Ame is maxed out, to increase your money making grind faster, upgrade Cynthia, Rai, and Cookie for the Glory Hole and/ or the VIP rooms. It's also strongly recommended to max out the Break Room & Closet Backrooms first, and then use Ame to save enough money after that to pick up the Career, Promo rooms for the Idea Points so you can have the little mini-camera for the Glory Hole room. Again, doing this there shouldn't be any problems making around 6k to 14k per day depending on what clients show up for Ame to tend to.

edit: Also, using Ame as your lone maid in the Cafe, she's the best at upgrading Sergils Cafe skills as well.
I'm not sure if this is still the case or if it's been patched in recent updates, but at least for the majority of the games life cycle Synth-IA is actually an extremely negative and counter-productive perk because you make far more money through checking customers out using Take-Out.
Basically, wait until a big spenders time is running out, then use Care to increase the money, then wait for the timer to end and use Take-Out to multiply all that money even more. Even in the late game you rarely ever use all 8 of your available Take-Out's (10 counting Sergil's) in a single day with this method so this has been my go-to method to optimize my income.
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May 9, 2020
I'm not sure if this is still the case or if it's been patched in recent updates, but at least for the majority of the games life cycle Synth-IA is actually an extremely negative and counter-productive perk because you make far more money through checking customers out using Take-Out.
Basically, wait until a big spenders time is running out, then use Care to increase the money, then wait for the timer to end and use Take-Out to multiply all that money even more. Even in the late game you rarely ever use all 8 of your available Take-Out's (10 counting Sergil's) in a single day with this method so this has been my go-to method to optimize my income.
Hasn't been patched yet and I agree. Synth-IA is a pretty useless skill to begin with, I find it weird by itself that you need a skill just for clients to be able to check themselves out but it's a welcomed skill as well in some situations. I guess I shouldn't exactly call it "useless" as there are times when the skill feels useful, but more like the skill is pointless as it's just another skill to lose money over that holds very little meaning in terms of making the game more fun, as an argument before by the Dev, said that he's tried removing the necessity of drag & drop function to fulfill client orders but said it felt boring so he reverted back to the drag & drop function -- Synth-IA to me feels very much the same way except it isn't just making game play boring, it's just almost pointless to have. Synth-IA should be reworked into something different. I'd find it to be more useful if Synth-IA was a skill that removed the unnecessary anti-fun tediousness of having to drag & drop items to fulfill a clients orders, can't tell you how many times the drag & drop function annoyed the hell out of me fumbling around to fulfill an order in time before a client checks themselves out.

But yes, the Take Out skill especially when combined with the Care skill does indeed maximize profits. It's just that at the very earliest days length in the game (if you're under sub-50 days it's way too early and unnecessary spending money on leveling up those skill points across 3 Main Maids, it's best spent saving that money up to immediately max out Ame's skills if possible when she's unlocked and then just let Ame take over the cafe duties for awhile.) It takes way too long otherwise if you're struggling to save up trying to upgrade 3 Maids plus Sergil over the long term. Took me about almost 100 days upgrading those three in one play through, and on the second play through I tried something different & focused entirely on Ame, and holy hell Ame is a Godsend. What took the three main Maids almost 100+ days to max out upgrade skills to maximize profits Ame could do in under 50 depending on how soon you can unlock her.
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